
Windows 11: remember what to do

Windows 11: remember what to do

Microsoft has the first previous version of Windows 11 released, so man has already introduced the new feature reminder. The optimized version can be easily downloaded in the ausprobiert Windows Insider Programs development channel.


Recall-Preview will be available on PCs with Snapdragon

When recalling Windows, this is an important new setting that will allow you to do this. The feature is only intended for Insider to use, one of the new ARM-based Windows 11 PCs with a processor compatible with the Snapdragon-X series. Neben Recall is also the new “Click to Do” in a “Preview” version.

Recall and Click To Do can be found right in Windows 11 Insider Preview build 26120.2415 in the developer bar of the developer channel. Hat man a “Copilot+ PC” with Snapdragon-Platform, cann man with Recall from the month of June with big Tamtam gestartete new Feature ausprobieren, bei all the Activities on dem jeweiligen PC mit Hilfe von Screenshot and Texterkennung aufgezeichnet and ann per KI-Suche schnell durchsuchbar gemacht werden.
So, see the recall procedure that applies to you

Recall-Snapshots mit einfachen Anfragen durchsuchbar

You can then do it easily, using natural formulas, using all applications, websites, images, documents and other dates found, at the beginning of creation with Recall erfasst wurden. The function is “ab Werk” initially disabled and must be installed when installing the new Insider-Preview on the Dev-Channel for the first time.

Access to the Microsoft Windows Blog takes place on Windows Update when enabling Recall for using useful KI models. Recall is our other answer in the list of all available apps. Während der Einrichtung von Recall wird noch einmal ausdrücklich die Zustimmung des Nutzers abgefragt.
According to Zeitstrahl, man “resists” through instant reminders

Hat Microsoft in Sachen Sicherheit nachgebessert

Microsoft also provides general information on using Nutzers for Windows Hello, we are also listening to BitLocker data transfer and enabling Secure-Boot at the same time. We must also mention the comments of the Recall-Snapshots, which are the only Snapshots we can find.

If you want to use the authentication option, Windows Callback will be enabled, you will need to open the app and authenticate it for Windows Hello. You can play the snapshots in the app first with easy handling. Außerdem kann man in einer Art Zeitstrahl through die aufgezeichneten Snapshots scrollen, um so zu den Inhalten zu gelangen, die zu a zu bestimmten Zeitpunkt Bearbeitet oder betrachtet Wurden.
Reminder-Snapshots are available

Tray-Symbol informs about the status of the recall

The reminder is activated, in the system tray of the task list, in a displayed symbol, which indicates the status of the informed services. The icon also appears when snapshots are analyzed and viewed. Bedarf can this aufzeichnung auch unterbrochen werden. Auf Wunsch kann man auch festlegen, the bestimmte Activities nicht mit Recall erfasst werden sollen. You can also see the Snapshots you have taken and then you can see them.

Click To Do mit Recall is the second newest new build of Windows 11 Insider Preview Build 26120.2415 in the Dev channel. Damit lassen sich die in den Snapshots gespeicherten Informationen auf Wunsch for weitere Aktivitäten nutzen. It is possible to copy or copy text to image, so that the Internet is available or an open URL.

The Bildern will Microsoft under the Kopieren, Speicher and Teilen sowie das Öffnen in anderen Anwendungen ermöglichen. You can also access images or photos with Bing or the Photos app or Paint.

We can dive into integrating new features for a single feature, while Microsoft in your blog describes it as follows:

  • If you can enable Secure Boot, you can use Recall Snapshots to do so. Make sure Secure Boot is enabled before testing Recall. This support article helps you enable Secure Boot.
  • If you click Recall on the links for feedback, you can get a response when the Feedback Hub response loads. Haben Sie etwas Geduld und die Anwendung wird angezeigt.
  • Remember that you can enable or disable “Ausschalten Windows Features”. If you listen to the Recall-Binärdateien on the Festplatte, you will see the Hinzufügen/Entfernen tests. In an updated version we will see the fully updated Binärdateien entfernen.
  • However, if you do not have any instructions, you will have to wait until the end of the day. When the sausage is not ready after 5 minutes, start your new service. When schnappschüssen speculators are activated, they are celebrating, because they have more schnappschüsse to make, in order to start your new service.
  • Only one device can see the merger “Stellen Sie sicher, dass Recall Schnappschüsse speichert”, während auf der Einstellungsseite für Recall das Speichern von Schnappschüssen aktiviert ist. Start your new job with a new problem.
  • Additionally, websites selected by Filter are easier to use, if the user is able to get images or reading pages from Edge. This issue occurs in a required update.
  • Be sure to make sure that Microsoft 365 apps are updated to the new version, but you will also be in the best documents available.
  • Recall functions last time they are not activated without any barrier restrictions.


  • Windows 11: Recall without problems – first early version of the Insider program
  • Recall only for ARM-based PCs with Snapdragon-X-Series-CPU available
  • PC activity update with screenshots and text captures
  • KI-gestützte Suche in aufgezeichneten Inhalten durch natural Sprache
  • Operation of Windows Hello and BitLocker-Datenträgerverschlüsselung
  • ‘Click To Do’ offers detailed information on activities
  • Einige Fehler et Einschränkungen bei der Nutzung von Recall bekannt

See also: