
Königin Camilla said Teilnahme an Royal Variety Performance aus gesundheitlichen Gründen ab

Königin Camilla said Teilnahme an Royal Variety Performance aus gesundheitlichen Gründen ab

Konigin Camillewhich will take place from the end of the day during the day, which will be the terminus for a long time before the Royal Variety Performance auf Anraten ihrer Ärzte abgesagt. Once at Buckingham Palace, the king has yet to witness the infection, although November has passed.

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Support from British journalist and moderator Christopher Ship auf X.

“Obwohl sie cese Woche zu den königlichen Verpflichtungen zurückgekehrt ist, hat sich Königin Camilla auf ärztlichen Rat von der heutigen Royal Variety Performance zurückgezogen. Once at Buckingham Palace, it was said that the viral infection had occurred and that the The place was not in danger.

The moderator commented in the following post: “The most famous speech: ‘Mit großem Bedauern hat sie sich daher von der Teilnahme an der Royal Variety Performance heute Abend zurückgezogen’.

The first rat, Camilla, up to 77 years old, realized that it was with the period of engagement zusammenhängen, maximum stress for a patient in the care phase and in a fortified change.

The reception of the English royal letter took place on November 5 directly at Buckingham Palace: you have a dust infection and you are facing the end of the day.

In tune with the times, the king has a more active activity and an effective online intervention program, which means an in-depth analysis of the online nut maintenance program online. Letzte Auftritt der Königin fand gerade gestern statt, because sie the wichtigsten Vertreter der Popmusik bei einem Empfang for your Commonwealth Essay Competition begrüßte.

Laut Daily Mail is the king who is in contact with the Weg der Besserung. The palace speeches have been made, this is the only problem for security and the virus is a described “Ärgernis”.

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