
HATHORS When the sun is out / When the skies are gray CD Review

HATHORS When the sun is out / When the skies are gray CD Review

Title When the sun is out / When the sky is gray
Home page HATHORS
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Since 2010, Marc Bouffé (Gesang & Gitarre) of the Grunge-Noise-Rock-Kapelle HATHORS in Winterthur vor. Die Positionen am Bass et l’aterne du Schießbude Wurden immerse mal wieder neu besetzt, aktuell zupft Sarah Zaugg den Stahlsaiter e Bearbeitet Dominique Destraz die Felle. With “When the sun is outside / When the skies are gray” appears the trio of the best HATHORS album, which offers the greatest novelty.

Zumindest, when the man with Kratzige Reibeisen-Vocals et eingängige, knackige Guitarriffs steht. Served by Dreier ab dem druckvollen Opener “A Land of Dust And Stones” auf mitreißende Art and Weise. “Down Beneath The Emptiness” is played with aufgeräumten melodies and “When The Sun Is Out” is in Kopfnicker mode. Derweil had “Ten Thousand Days” in the Vollen, before “Special Bird” let himself be carried away by time, which in madness had enormous intensity. It is directly about “Dreaming All Day” in the Ritt Wild Fort, and the excellent “Sea of ​​Worries” with a nachdenkliche einlegt pause. “When Skies Are Grey” is a radio song that plays the rotzige speech of “Love Is Just a Feeling” which was broadcast by DANKO JONES. There are many of these punk rock numbers also of the rock bands. “The army is calling” indicates that the money fell into the arms of the Tonfolgen state, which is a bit schwermütig daherkommen.

Among the references are the HATHORS groups, such as the PIXIES, MADRUGADA and the WIPERS. Nun, the total war is also that of the Combo in Portland, the singer and guitarist (in this Fall Greg Sage) is the only singer in the group war. The Schwermut ausgeprägte, the MADRUGADA auszeichnet, erkenne ich allerdings nicht and with the PIXIES verbindet “When The Sun Is Out / When Skies Are Grey” is ehesten die Schublade “Alternative Rock”. Auf jeden Fall sind Bouuffé and seine Mitstreiter: innen nicht mehr ganz so noisig unterwegs as in der Vergangenheit et lassen das Stilpendel stattdessen etwas stärker Richtung Pop ausschlagen. Spaß macht die druckvolle Konservenkost der Eidgenossen germemal, von den Live-Qualitäten cannn sich in the nächsten Wochen and Monaten überzeugen.