
“Profinet over SPE” for industrial automation – Verbindungstechnik

“Profinet over SPE” for industrial automation – Verbindungstechnik

TE Connectivity supports PROFIBUS-Nutzer organization and use of new SPE-Steckverbinder-Standards

TE Connectivity knows, together with the Profibus-Nutzer organization, an implementation roll for users, a standard standard for “PROFINET on SPE” for the installation and use of Ethernet in industrial automation.

Single Pair Ethernet users will draw up a blueprint for realizing a single support system for PROFINET over SPE. The new standard is clearer and safer thanks to SPE technology and a more efficient Meilenstein to efficiently support miniaturization.

This is an entrepreneur who set out to create single pair Ethernet starting with active media. Auch am aktuellen Standardisierungsprozess hat TE maßgeblich mitgewirkt and damit seine Führungsrolle im Markt der industrialn Konnektivität bekräftigt.

Ablösung von veralteten Feldbussystemen

The SPE-Steckverbinder-System according to this standard is intended for applications in the field of security, in the field and also for hybrid installations, a single mounting frame and path for a universal SPE standard. These specifications are defined by the IEEE 802.3 standard and are fully compatible with the field bus system, which helps create efficient communication with an Ethernet connection and connection to an efficient power and data source.

The new generation of development modules will be the origin of a greater TE scheme, a way to achieve with SPE interoperability and integration towards automation systems for applications, through efficient industrial processes , sustainable and profitable. The new Steckverbinder-Standard is designed precisely for production and process automation systems which are intelligently designed to create simple communication from the Feldebene company to the leisure IT system.

“As the industry standard can use PROFINET over SPE as part of control line implementation and cable design, which reduces and optimizes efficient communication,” said Manuel Rüter, Senior Director of Technology, of standardization and consortia at TE.

Praktische Umsetzung in vollem Gange

TE arbeitet derzeit mit anderen Herstellern an new Products, die die PNO-Anforderungen erfüllen werden. The solutions are integrated into all SPE applications at a PROFINET connection with high-level assembly instructions. Zudem laufen Standardisierungsarbeiten auch auf anderen Ebenen der SPE-Communikation, z. B. hinsichtlich eines neuen Power-Conzepts, damit eine durchgängige SPE-Lösung über alle Schichten hinweg erreicht werden kann.

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