
NASDAQ Composite Index-Paper Hancock-Aktie: There are so many gains in a Hancock investment for one year | 19.11.24

NASDAQ Composite Index-Paper Hancock-Aktie: There are so many gains in a Hancock investment for one year | 19.11.24


53.19 CHF 2.64%

Kaufen / Verkaufen

Heute vor 1 Jahr fand via Börse NAS wochenend-bedingt kein Handel mit der Hancock-Aktie statt. The Handelstag costs 41.53 USD. When a buyer invested $1,000 in Hancock-Aktie’s investment house, they received $24,079 in advance in their deposit. If the price was set on 18.11.2024 at USD 57.47 (Schlussstand), the initial investment price was USD 1,383.82. Damit hätte sich der Wert der ursprünglichen Investition um 38.38 Prozent gesteigert.

Hancock’s War somit zuletzt am Markt 5.02 Mrd. USD was worth.

Although this does not happen, asset divisions and dividends are not clearly stated.
