
Festliche Gaumenfreuden: Weihnachtsbüfett et Silvesterparty im cinquenine!

Festliche Gaumenfreuden: Weihnachtsbüfett et Silvesterparty im cinquenine!

The restaurant Fiftynine in Hamm, under the management of Inna and Mischa Djuric, is preparing to celebrate the end of year holidays in the time of Weihnachts and a Jahreswechsel ein. On December 25 and 26, we will welcome you for a large Christmas buffet, meals will be served from 11:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. and will end from 4:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. For only 28.90 euros for the child and 15 euros for children from 7 to 14 years old, the buffet is a very good kind, so that children up to this day are free.

For an unexpected Silvesterfeier, he turned to fifty-nine with a fascinating silvester crash. The party begins with an aperitif and a large Galabüfett, das von a Live-Showkochen begleitet wird. Get it if you want to take it overnight, and when it comes to time, it’s with Prosecco. A DJ chosen for the rich promotion auf der Tanzfläche, with a free shuttle service for guests safe at home. The Rundum-sorglos package costs 99 euros per person.

A decision for jede Feier

Das cinquenine hat seit der Übernahme durch Mischa Djuric im June 2022 zu a beliebten Treffpunkt entwickelt. The travel menu offers small cuisine, from snacks and fried salads to Italian classics and steaks. For more information you can also use specialties such as Tomahawk-Steaks. The Räumlichkeiten have a flexible configuration bar and a place for artistic art, from creative stages to corporate events. The team takes care of the planning and takes care of this, because jede Veranstaltung unvergesslich wird.

Reservations for the Weihnachtsbüfett or the holiday party must be telephoned at 02381/ 24833 möglich. Das fifty-nine freut sich darauf, die Gäste mit erstklassigem Service et kulinarischen Highlights zu verwöhnen.

Ort des Geschehens

What analysis took place, this merger is the best: 18
Comments analyzed on social media: 198
Number of Forenbeiträge analyses: 45