
The Kindle has a function, which cannot be known and can be read without problems.

The Kindle has a function, which cannot be known and can be read without problems.


Kindle: So this is the answer to your query format

Lest your Kindle be in Querformat format? Not all book lovers, with the e-book reader beforehand, know this option, a horizontal digital work in the hands.

Das Zeigen nicht nur verwunderte Gesichter in the Redaktion, also in an actual Reddit-Thread because only one option is not suitable.

When you are already out of shape, you will find it on Kindle in the following format.


Hinweis: In the fall we will see the Kindle Paperwhite from 11. Die folgenden Schritte beziehen sich daher auf this Modell.

Kindle: Im Querformat read – so geht es

The Kindle is not a tablet that automatically uses a high-speed and automatic format. The selected option must first be enabled before being disabled:

  1. Öffnet on the Kindle a book about Wahl.
  2. Tippt jetzt auf den oberen Bereich des Textes, sans l’obere Menü aufzuklappen.
  3. There is no symbol on the symbol »Aa«.
  4. Wechselt zum Reiter »Layout«.
  5. Wählt jetzt bei »Format« du Querformat an.

Danach wechselt die Ansicht ins Querformat. The large black office area is also on the links page. We chose the same option to obtain another analysis in the Querformat ermöglicht format.

I’m in the menu Layout There are even more options, for analysis and specific response to requirements:

  • Rander
  • Text editing
  • Abstand zwischen den Zeilen

Um die Schrift zu vergrößern or zu verkleinern, wechselt auf den Reiter Schriftart et wählt dort die entsprechende Größe aus.

Which Kindle model supports the current format?

In the editorial office, we do not have any Kindle models, this function is widely tested. Our ideas will allow you to understand all the models.

Both Kindle Oasis and Kindle Scribe models also support horizontal feeding. Art and things, like this activated feature, are suitable for use in each supported model (version).

Kindle: Do you want me to read your format?

Das Lesen im Querformat ist eine Frage der personlichen Präferenz. A user schreiben im oben verlinkten Thread, dass es im Querformat bequemer sein kann.

The Daumen link found itself above the black level of the Dickeren, and was able to improve the stability of the reading and the better functioning of the handfläche in the last period. You can also find out more about the Models and the Eigenen Vorlieben beim Halten an.

So or like this: The option is there and can be enabled or disabled during operations.

Do you have the used function or the option for all new ones? Lest you prefer im Hochoder Querformat? You can abgesehen your Layout with other interesting features, which have many features? What alternatives to the Kindle do you find that interest you? Schreibt sie germe unten en die Commentare!

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