
Black Friday deals for Apple AirPods: prices for AirPods 4, AirPods Pro and AirPods Max

Black Friday deals for Apple AirPods: prices for AirPods 4, AirPods Pro and AirPods Max


Black Friday offers Apple AirPods like real models. AirPods 4, AirPods Pro 2 and AirPods Max are offered to you by these grips for the best price.

Apple AirPods offers you many Black Friday variants for great prices. (What: Apple)

True-Wireless headphones, as well as wireless headphones, are extremely credible. For all Apple AirPods, you will find the most reliable in-ear headphones in this article. Inzwischen gibt es vom iPhone-Hersteller verschiedene Modelle, die alle andwas gemeinsam haben: Sie sind alles andere als günstig.

The headphones cost more than 100 euros, but cost 200 euros, while the AirPods Max cost more than 600 euros. If Apple buys you yourself, you will have to pay non-verbal prices. Doch es geht deutlich günstiger! Black Friday offers AirPods models at a very attractive price.

The best AirPods deals on Black Friday

We’re currently bringing you the best deals on Apple’s favorite AirPods. Wie immer gilding: Bei Interesse solltet ihr nicht zu lange zögern, denn erfahrungsgemäß sind die guten Deals schnell ausverkauft.

The links on this page can be found in NETZWELT ggf. eine Provision vom Händler. More information.

See the best deals for AirPods

Apple AirPods 4

If you use all AirPods such as AirPods 4, they are the best. This is the first time that our women are ready to use and are also available in a variant with ANC for purchases.

The links on this page can be found in NETZWELT ggf. eine Provision vom Händler. More information.

The links on this page can be found in NETZWELT ggf. eine Provision vom Händler. More information.

Apple AirPods Pro (1. Generation)

The AirPods Pro were launched in the first line for your greater activity Geräuschunterdrückung (Active Noise Canceling). Please optionally mix Transparenz mode with Umgebung ein – etwa an der Supermarktkasse. You have access to 3D audio, your films, series and music with an awesome Surround effect.

Check out the best deals for AirPods Pro.

Note: Unbedingt Modellnummer beachten!

No user manages the generation of AirPods directly in the title. Purchase the model number, there are still some additional items.

Apple AirPods Pro 2

Different generations of AirPods Pro do not work properly. The second generation offers small services in the field of technology, 3D audio and ANC. Hier gibt es jetzt auch die Möglichkeit, nicht nur per Druck, sondern auch per Wischen zu steuern. The Bluetooth 5.0 adapter is Bluetooth 5.3 for easy and efficient use.

The links on this page can be found in NETZWELT ggf. eine Provision vom Händler. More information.

The links on this page can be found in NETZWELT ggf. eine Provision vom Händler. More information.

Apple AirPods Max

AirPods Max are now within reach of the course, and AirPods Pro are also available and even more. Please note that there are 20 days of operation and a minimum of 1.5 days of operation. Jedoch sind die Over-Ear-Hörer aufgrund ihrer Bauweise nicht schweiß- und wassergeschützt.

  • Active Geräuschunterdrückung

  • 3D audio

  • Bis zu 20 Stunden Wiedergabe

Bei Cyberport offers you the AirPods Max today on Black Friday-Preis sichern. Apple sellers have reduced their price by 499 euros in gray. Other color variants are offered by other handles.

Are there two Apple AirPods and AirPods Pro?

Apple AirPods Pro don’t have a username. So this is a better variant of the normal AirPods, which is really more efficient and are these solutions?

So you need to make sure that each of you uses it, and the little things have given us a glimpse of one of the Apple AirPods Pro ways and tips generated by the Apple AirPods list .

Proper movements Apple AirPods 4 Apple AirPods Pro 2 Apple AirPods Max
Design In-Ear Speaker In-Ear Speaker Over-ear headphones
Ausstattung 3 microphones, 4 sensors, IPX4 3 microphones, 4 sensors, IPX4 9 microphones, 8 sensors
Akkulaufzeit (bei Wiedergabe) 5 pieces 6 hours 20 pieces
Drückung Geräuschunterdrückung (ANC) gegen Aufpreis
Transparent mode to the ANC model
Adaptive equalizer
3D audio with head tracking
Belüftung für Druckausgleeich
Siri support
Charged drahtlos case

Issues specific to Apple AirPods

I think this is the current generation of Apple AirPods which is also the 4th generation. Viele Händler führen den Zusatz nicht explizit auf, weshalb ihr genau in die Productbeschreibung schauen solltet. Here is our help with model numbers:

Model Model number
AirPods (1. Generation) A1523, A1722
AirPods (2nd generation) A2032, A2031
AirPods (3rd generation) A2565, A2564
AirPods (4. Generation) A3053, A3050, A3054
AirPods 4 (ANC) A3056, A3055, A3057
AirPods Pro (1. Generation) A2084, A2083
AirPods Pro (2nd generation) A2931, A2699, A2698
AirPods Max (Lightning) A2096
AirPods Max (USB-C) A3184

Apple AirPods model number; Source: Apple

Operating software can be ignored, but a robot for Apple AirPods does not correspond to an active model of the 4th generation, but it must be compatible with the current model.

Apple AirPods Max: other shapes, similar features

An alternative for Apple devices, which doesn’t actually have a camera, lets you use the Apple AirPods Max. When you use the over-ear headphones with telescopic headphones, earphones and microphones, you need to use them during Black Friday for a long time.

Apple AirPods im Test: Aller Unkenrufe zum Trotz …

AirPods are being used. I’m testing the background for a good try. It is also about the numerous safety features and the long operating time of the wireless Bluetooth in-ear headphones.

Please note that the Mikrofone also has a previous performance, with new music in the background. With a transparency mode, 3D audio with dynamic head tracking and Siri assistance are with an edge. Overview: AirPods Max are available in a variant with Lightning and a recent version with USB C port for purchase.

Are the deals for Apple AirPods (Pro) good?

In the following table you will find the original manufacturer prices and current standard prices for Apple AirPods and Apple AirPods Pro. Otherwise, you will not receive any other price. We also have the Apple AirPods Max over-ear headphones with accessories.

Model UVP of the Herstellers Current market price bisheriger Best price
Apple AirPods (2nd generation) no more details 105 euros 99 euros
Apple AirPods (3rd generation) no more details 145 euros 119 euros
Apple AirPods Pro (2nd generation) no more details 245 euros 199 euros
Apple AirPods Pro (2nd generation) with USB-C 279 euros 233 euros 175 euros
Apple AirPods Max (Lightning) no more details 499 euros 376 euros
Apple AirPods Max (USB-C) 579 euros 519.95 euros 512.95 euros

Apple AirPods in the sale price

Apple AirPods Pro not working for you

While you listen to live music, even if you have a long journey to school or school, you have tips for Apple AirPods Pro by a typewriter.

Trotz Ersparnis expects the Kauf to listen to his music, podcasts and other forms of musical assistance genießt. To get stylish music in your Apple AirPods, it is best to do this.

Another Kaufgrund: the ANC function. The animal hunting intervention is a quality experience, when in the vicinity of vielbefahrenen street or other places of interest. Nervige Störgeräusche nehmt ihr dann kaum noch wahr.

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