
Recovery Seven Sisters, drum synthesizer and Eurorack module

Recovery Seven Sisters, drum synthesizer and Eurorack module

Drums at Syndrum & Syncussion

14. November 2024

Recovery Seven Sisters is a drum/percussion synthesizer, whose sounds are designed in the Syndrum and Syncussion style. Seven Sisters is available in two versions: as a Standalone-Desktop-Gerät and as a Eurorack-Modul. Trotz gleicher Klangerzeugung haben die beiden Varianten jedoch unterschiedliche Ansätze.

Recovery Seven Sisters, drum synthesizer

Chapeau Seven Sisters – welch Überraschung – sieben Sounds. Zwar gibt es nur die Drums A bis F sowie die dazu gehörenden sechs Trigger-Eingänge et sechs Trigger-Tasten, doch Sound F lässt sich 2wischen 2unterschiedlichen Klängen umschalten.

Instrument A to F is not available, but it is a typical Kick, Snare, HiHat, Tom, Cymbal and Synth-Percussion drum instrument. This internal circuit requires additional Oscillators, Noise Generator and Filter, which can be used if the Eingriffsmöglichkeiten auf wentliche Funktionen wie Pitch and Decay, give you a unique Taster.

If you leave it there is a platzhalterinhalt von YouTube. To see the actual usage, click on Sie auf die Schaltfläche unten. Before you go to the beach, you will have to wait until the dates are left behind.

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Seven Sisters is a very analog trigger signal. There are different sequencers like Arturia Beatstep Pro, Korg SQ-64 or various Eurorack sequencers. MIDI is not supported. The line output is a 3.5mm stereo jack (Dual Mono).

Recovery Seven Sisters, Eurorack module

The Eurorack variant of Seven Sisters uses the creation engine and simple instruments like the desktop one, so here you can immerse yourself in a created sound. Die Umschaltung erfolgt mit einem Taster im Cycle-Modus. The information is provided by the Parameter module for editing. The functions are every time the sound you need. Neben Pitch and Decay also give the volume for the generated sound or a single component of languages ​​such as filter, noise or 2. Pitch. You can also use your CV-Eingänge für thesee vier Parameter vorhanden, um sie zu zu zu können. This allows for more flexible sounds as well as built-in standalone devices.
The module has a length of 10 TE and offers two possibilities for stereo or parallel processing.

If you leave it there is a platzhalterinhalt von YouTube. To see the actual usage, click on Sie auf die Schaltfläche unten. Before you go to the beach, you will have to wait until the dates are left behind.

More information

The desktop version of Recovery Seven Sisters could be available in the coming days, the launch will be in mid-December. The pre-sale price is 249,- Euro, the normal price is 299,- Euro.
The Eurorack variant of Seven Sisters costs 220 euros.