
Finished for less than 25,000 Euro: Electric Renault R5 kommt mit kleinem Akku

Finished for less than 25,000 Euro: Electric Renault R5 kommt mit kleinem Akku

End and weiterer, erschwinglicher Kleinwagen aus Europa: The new basic version of the Renault R5 E-Techprices for items under 25,000 euros, departure for the year 2025. We have all the necessary information for you.

For the links, with “Zum Anbieter” or “Zum Shop” are already in use, but they are not included. a provision.

The Renault R5 E-Tech Electric is a flagship product, which can now be found in the European car manufacturer segment within E-Autos. It is a vehicle E-Kleinwagen bezahlbarer mit gutem Design, annehmbarer Reichweite et agilen Fahreigenschaften. While the company had an attractive price, as part of the training program and it was available, the best-selling R5 version already cost less than 25,000 euros. The preparations for the 2024 grass are perfect, the little R5 is not planned for Friday 2025.

Verbrauch (komb.) 13.3 kWh/100 km, CO2 emissions (komb.) 0.0 g/km, CO2 class A+

Renault R5 E-Tech Urban Range with 95 hp

This markteinführung is the Renault 5 E-Tech Electric in 2 variants best sold. In the Topversion Comfort Range with 150 hp and a 52 kWh battery, the price is 33,000 euros and is available in the ausstattungs Techno and Iconic Five variant. The R5 Urban Range is compatible with the Evolution, Techno and Iconic Five driving lines, with a 122 hp engine, a price of 27,900 euros and a consumption of 40 kWh for a distance of 312 kilometers WLTP. All models are official versions of Renault configured and best sold.

Directly to the test: Renault 5 E-Tech Electric in test: A renewal without an unbeatable price

The new R5 family is the base model Urban Range Five with 95 hp, a 40 kWh battery and a range of 300 kilometers. This is a price of around 24,900 euros in the configurator, which cannot be used until now. It is interesting whether I should inform you about the Verfügbarkeit. We need Gelegenheit, the electric R5 has done a first test to do it. Our test vehicle in the R5 Iconic Five version is also a reliable motor vehicle. We came across our R5 as the performance charger and control robot in the background.

Annehmbare Reichweite für bezahlbaren Prices?

If you are looking for such an electric vehicle and great global power and austerity for your money? Die Zeiten, in denen hohe Reichweiten nur teuren Elektroautos vorbehalten waren, sind vorbei. It is a very good model, with a maximum of 350 kilometers and less than 35,000 Euro costs. In this Beitrag we have the wichtigsten Langläufer für Sie aufgelistet.

Zur Kaufberatung: A long lifespan for less than 35,000 euros: Diese E-Autos sollten Sie kennen