
Bürgerstrom aus Evingsen: Plan for the solar field

Bürgerstrom aus Evingsen: Plan for the solar field

  2. Lennetal
  3. Altena

Dr. Steffen Knepper from the Briloner company studied solar energy in the municipal solar energy building within the plan for the solar field auf dem Flurstück Lilien Hagen at the Löttringsen vor. © Heyn, Volker

From 2021, the Evingsen solar plant is located in the Löttringsen region and a new dynamic has been created: the investment program of Briloner ksolar GmbH has been published in the upper states in the planned quarter 2025 for photovoltaic installation. Die Rede ist sogar von einem Bürgerstrommodell.

Altena – L’Ausschuss für Stadtentwicklung und Umwelt beschloss am Donnerstag jedenfalls einstimmig alle nötigen Verfahren, damit die Anlage so schnell wie möglich errichtet werden cann. The Ausschussvorsitzender Tobias Röbbecke (CDU) became “wage” at the start of the work for three years, now in the direction of the brothers Bauabteilungsleiters Roland Balkenhol. The happy project manager, Andreas Kisker, declared the project for the execution of the set of explanations as follows: “We have the biggest project and could not realize it. »

That’s why project teacher Dr. Steffen Knepper is on a mission to help you solve the problem. In the State Norbert Knepper of the Rechtsanwalt and the solar company Brilon, he himself is a specialist lawyer and has the mandate of the Anwalt for the energy sector, before the Geschäftsführer im väterlichen Unternehmen wurde. The Evingsen project is one of the first solar projects the Sunshine Energy company’s ventures have completed. Richtig ins Thema gekommen sei man vor knapp trois Monaten bei un Austausch mit den Behörden. Knepper: “The project is the least it will be done. » The implementation plan and the construction plan are now complete, with the new Best Immunogen and the new solar panels ready to start. L’Ausschuss müsse nur den Vorhabenträgerwechsel samt Neuplanung beschließen, alles Weitere übernähmen die Juristen der Briloner Firma.

4 megawatts peak for more than 1000 homes

Le Fläche war früher ein Wald, nach Kyrill ist sie mittlerweile planungsrechtssicher als Wiese kartiert. Such a “Raumbedeutsamkeit” is not the best, therefore Knepper, who cares about genetic services in planning planning. Usually we have 2.5 to 3 hektar of 5.4 hektar of large fläche. The investor Sunshine Energy asks you to carry out a study of 750 kilowatts-peak (kWp), large Kneppers and to install 4 megawatts-peak. Damit könnten 1000 to 1500 Haushalte mit Strom versorgt werden. Sunshine has a project of 200 houses. Die Fläche sei über un Pachtvertrag bereits gesichert, so Knepper, un Netzanschluss in etwa deux order trois Kilometern Entfernung sei damals schon genehmigt worden et könne reactiviert werden.

If you do not want to unload the Strom, you will be able to activate the Energy.

“If you don’t have any energy sources, you can save energy,” says Knepper. Before having an energy management company, it must take place between 20 and 30 hours. Man könne auch mit einer bestehenden Energiegenossenschaft zusammenarbeiten. Knepper told me that the Evingser Solarfeld is a private investment, but not as a local Konkurrenz zum Energieversorger, but as a partner. Triple installed pricing system, the best in photovoltaic power circuit, has only one place to plan battery power circuit and rest/grid network, which can also be used as meter template of current.

The CDU-Fraktionsvorsitzende Helmar Roder said: “I’m sure you are directly at the restaurant and the hamburger is available. » Dem entgegnete Knepper, it is not as good to eat.

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