
Reisewarnung für beliebte Urlaubsel: Deutsche Botschaft warnt eindringlich

Reisewarnung für beliebte Urlaubsel: Deutsche Botschaft warnt eindringlich

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The German company in Bangkok has a warning project for Koh Phangan. Thailand is accessible to everyone.

Koh Phangan – The Full Moon Party on the island of Koh Phangan in Thailand dates from the 1980s, a magnet for international tourists. Jeden Monat zieht the Event bis zu zu zu 30,000 Besucher an, die am Haad Rin Beach under the Vollmond zu electronic music tanzen. Doch jüngste Terrorwarnungen haben die Vorfreude getrübt.

Deutsche Botschaft spricht Reisewarnung aus – Hintergrund sind mögliche Terror-Anschläge

The German Society of Bangkok has a warning for the planned Full Moon Party. The background is an “introduction to the main terrorist attacks”, which specifically makes the Israeli Staatsbürger rich in business.

These environmental credibility warnings appeared in Israeli media and were published in internal Thai police documents. Trotz these berichte versichern die thaiändischen Sicherheitsbehörden, as Koh Phangan sicher sei et die Anschlagsdrohungen unwahr seien, comme Bangkok Post berichtet.

Deutsche Botschaft in Bangkok caters to the loyal partyinsel of Koh Phangan for a business trip. © Editing: Ian Robert Knight/photo alliance/dpa/ZUMA Press Wire/Imago

Thailand warns of terrorism – there are security risks

Thai security measures were taken in the province of Surat Thani by security measures in Koh Phangan. Police Chief Sermphong Sirikhong realized that the masses ergriffen Wurden, um das Vertrauen der Internationalen Touristen zu Stärken. Intensive patrols and surveillance will allow you to enjoy security during the Full Moon Party.

Israeli citizens have had to face their bourgeoisie for Wachsamkeit, the major practices of their lives and their Israeli or legal identity which does not often apply to their lives. The first time it was one of the Europa League matches, between Ajax Amsterdam and Maccabi Tel Aviv, that caught the attention of Israeli football fans.

The Israeli security service, particularly the Mossad, works in English with the Thai authorities to ensure that there are multiple people to identify and neutralize. This cooperation is part of the Vergangenheit bereits “more regions in the country have been established”, as the Nationale Sicherheitsrat bei Bangkok Post zitiert werden.

When the Land is in a mysterious Fall erschüttert, bei dem sechs Touristen in a Luxushotel starben. (mg)

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