
Alexander Zverev vs. Carlos Alcaraz: Chance of revenge

Alexander Zverev vs. Carlos Alcaraz: Chance of revenge

So Alexander Zverev said he had no surprises today. Auf brutale Weise war sein Traum vom ersten Grand-Slam-Sieg der Karriere vor rund fünf Monaten geplatzt. In the Roland-Garros final, Carlos Alcaraz was a small player, the match went well with Gunsten of the Spaniards – and a scheidungsrichterentscheidung umstrittene ebnete Alcaraz den Weg zum Title. “Die Schiedrichterentscheidung hangt mir immer noch sehr, sehr nach. Die fand ich sehr bitter,” Zverev said yesterday. Immerhin: Am Freitag (14.00 Uhr/Sky) there is Chance for Revenge. At the ATP Finals in Turin, the Gruppen-Showdown with Alcaraz took place in the semi-final of the prestigious season finale.

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Das Drama im fünften Satz des Endspiels von Roland Garros, et la Unparteiische einen Aus-Ruf des Linienrichters falsch korrigiert Hatte, soll in Zverevs Hirn and ann Eliminiert Werden – and wenn beim Neuerlichen Aufeinander mit Alcaraz noch kein Title auf dem Spiel steht. This is a little balm for the sea and the world in the group stage to come. Zverev’s team is 7:6 (7:3), 6:3 against Norwegian Casper Ruud and twice in his second match, as for Alcaraz. A sovereign right of the Deutschen for the Erreichen der Runde der besten Vier. Auf Alcaraz lastet größerer Druck. Verliert der Hamburger allerdings glatt, muss er bis zum Ende des Abendmatches zittern.

Alexander Zverev appears at the ATP Finals in Top-Form.

Zverev can have the group abschließenden until the Sehnsucht nach dem Malediven-Urlaub optimistic entgegenblicken. The 27 days will take place on the public holidays of the Selbstvertrauen and Ruhe aus season. After that, it is the October night during the rounds that the match will take place, with the last two weeks of the world being bigger than Topform. The most complete training, which is still today for women of the house with the background of the area and the background of the water, and the time of a planned seasonal trip, is as expected. The German number has a shine with a dominant schlag. And only one Drang zur Offensive. The moment it was unloaded, it was also damaged by Alcaraz brauchen.

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The number of men in the world will itself once again be in one of its long-term problems which handicap Zverev who has verschwenden problems. The ranking and war took place against the Spanish Wimbledon champion in the build-up to the ATP Finals. A pocket box lies next to Sieg gegen den Russen Andrej Rubljow’s breast on the purse seiner Bank parat. Ein Nasenpflaster half, best Luft zu bekommen. “Uh hat a Supermatch happened when Rubljow, and I was there for Dasselbe”, said Zverev.

The results of Zverev and Alcaraz are both different.

It’s the elf Duell who attacks them. The balance sheet is based on the information that appears on it. The potential for space is the treffen of Alcaraz’s Grand Slam champions with Sieger Zverev’s two ATP finals. Das mögliche Ausscheiden erhöht den Reiz. Die Vorzeichen sind dabei ganz andere als Paris: Hartplatz statt roter Asche, 2 statt trois Gewinnsätze. Hinzu kommt die Hallen-Atmosphere, die heher for Zverev spricht. Entscheidungen darüber, ob die Ball im Aus sind, fell under the Hawk-Eye system.

And it happened in the game that didn’t take place in prime time at the end of the year, and took place in the evening. Späte Matches mag Zverev eigentlich lieber. The standards for care are there. “I can’t wait to listen to the rhythm of the rhythm,” he says. “Aber es ist, wie es ist. I had two fun games to play. I think it’s just that I had a play on words. » During training, the Paris-Bercy siege took place on Tuesday at 2 p.m. and began playing on Friday.

“It’s a Riesen match, it’s a popcorn match,” said Sky expert and tennis teacher Patrik Kühnen. “Alexander Zverev is for my moment in an absolute peak. Momentan past everything,” said the 58-Jährige. “I am also reluctant with a day in Alcaraz. For Alcaraz, that is of course everything.