
The Masked Singer 2024: Nashorn-Aus! DIESER Sportler is still on track

The Masked Singer 2024: Nashorn-Aus! DIESER Sportler is still on track

The first release of “The Masked Singer” will take place on November 23, 2024. We will see you all, we were in Staffel 11 as the first enthüllt wurde.


During the premiere show of “The Masked Singer” in November 2024, the Nashorn will have to behave with Maske.

ProSieben/Willi Weber

Both Rate-Duos and the Zuschauenden rätselten and the gegebenen Indizien wieder fleißig, welche Promis suggest that the Masken stecken könnten. If you do not have any changes, please leave the remaining Demaskierung. Was it true? Here you will find all the information about first Enthüllung.