
Do you want to have a “Klang des Sommers” in Hemmingen?

Do you want to have a “Klang des Sommers” in Hemmingen?

Hemmingen. 2024 is for Britta Hoge a year with unpredictable and unexpected services: the month of April will take place until the 23rd, during a mixture of security measures specific to the new needs of the house for natural gardens and the street Weidenkamp in Hemmingen-Westerfeld is also a matter of Veranstaltungen gab, nach Devese. On August 19, he was transferred to Ehemann Manuel Hoge. “I am in July with our 160-year-old family and our jewelry: Manuel and my jewelry 65 years old and Milena 30 years old,” you are told in your big house on rue Dorfe.

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Doch die langjährig erfahrene Darstellende Künstlerin et Tanzpädagogin versucht sich trotz der Schicksalsschläge zu motivieren. “I’m moving towards Erika Pluhar’s Lied “Geh Deinen Weg”. I walk more, I go further.

I walk more, I go further.

Britta Hoge,

Painter in Hemmingen

Milena Hoge played Harfe in the “Klang des Sommers”: Am Freitag untermalt sie die Lesung ihrer Mutter im Bürgersaal.

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Dazu also organized the Ausblick auf self-organized art installations as in past years in the nature garden of Hemmingen-Westerfeld and in the believer region “Klang des Sommers”. “I’m here, I’m going inside, and I also have a long life,” said Hoge über die freundliche Aufnahme in der Deveser Nachbarschaft. The Thema Theater does not take place today and does not yet have much going on – here in Hemmingen-Westerfeld and in the greater Hannover region.

Britta Hoge is in your books

Great artistic activity: Britta Hoge in the new house in Devese.

“Da ich jetzt keinen musikalischen Partner like Manuel mehr habe, muss ich I first nach another musician schauen, with them I can zusammenarbeiten. And from there, “The world of Sommers can have the mire here in Devese n’est not so gut vorstellen,” said Hoge, who is also in the Vorstand of the DRK-Ortsvereins Hemmingen activist.

Nach ihrem Werk „Kopf hoch“ hat Britta Hoge nun ihr zehntes Buch veröffentlicht. On Friday, November 29, it will take place at 6 p.m. in the village hall of the town hall of Hemmingen-Westerfeld in your management directory. The music will be created with the stimulation of your family Milena Hoge an der Harfe. Dafür können in der Stadtbücherei by the Telefonnummer (0511) 4103280 noch Plätze reserviert werden. While the company takes care of the business with a small expense spent.