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New price will let you find out more details about “iPhone 17 Air”, by 2025 on the market.

The basic platform “Information” in the configuration is supposed to be, thanks to the prototypes of the existing devices, the two sizes of 5 millimeters and 6 millimeters are and the support of the iPhone 16 Plus makes it possible to create an iPhone machen würden. For example: Current iPhone 16 models are 7.8 millimeters long, Pro models 8.25 millimeters. The strict reduction of human resources must be ensured by numerous promises made.

The new iPhone is overloaded

Laut dem Bericht, der sich auf Informationen aus frühen Testproduktionen beruft, könnte des Gerät atf einen physischen SIM-Karten-Schachten and wie the current iPad mini aufsschließlich onf af aine eSIM-Konnektivität zen.

An inschnitte werden also bei der Audioausstattung erwartet. The iPhone 17 Air is clearly illustrated with a speaker in the first place, room for two speakers under the teenager’s fingers. Also, the Cameras are Apple and they are abstract. If you have two or three cameras installed, a central camera can be found on the search page for a complete installation.

About the shortest iPhone: iPhone 6 is missing 6.9mm

Einschnitte bei der Ausstattung

Die Kompaktheit des Geräts stellt offenbar auch die Integration der restlichen Komponenten vor Herausforderungen. Besonders die Unterbringung eines ausreichend großen Akkus scheint problematisch. It turns out that the iPhone 17 Air battery is very small based on current models. If you leave the tatsächliche Akkulaufzeit auswirkt, bleibt abzuwarten.

The iPhone 17 Air features a 6.6-inch display, A19 chip, Face ID, and 8GB storage. For providing mobile services, a premier Apple supplier himself was interested in the 5G modem, which uses packet and energy efficiency within his company – berichtete.

So in etwa? Photoshop design “iPhone 17 Air”

The iPhone 17 Air has now been available for a year, but it needs to be retired. Apple has discovered time in a new phase of production and once again has technology at its fingertips, schlanke design made for you.