
Does the Bundesliga exist on free TV, pay TV or streaming?

Does the Bundesliga exist on free TV, pay TV or streaming?

©Deutsche Telekom

The Deutsche Fußball Liga (DFL) is broadcast on these days on your TV channel. Das Ergebnis der Ausschreibung is for the Association and the Fans in the following years a huge benefit. What free TV, pay TV and streaming are the Bundesliga games and Co. who want to see?

Bundesliga football clubs win one million euros: until December 4. December comes to the TV package of the Deutsche Fußball Liga 15 with the best broadcasters and coaches, by Sky, DAZN, ProSiebenSat.1 and the official lawyers. This is the second time it follows, on April 1st, the first message is only a tag abgebrochen werden mustste.

Warum bei der Rechte-Auktion der DFL has two years of war, a TV package has not yet been created and was created by the ARD “Sportschau”, which created DIGITAL FERNSEHEN in this article.

Bundesliga TV-Rechte: Welche Free TV-Angebote gibt es?

ARD “Sportschau” is one of the free TV channels for Bundesliga fans. Image: WDR/Annika Fußwinkel

For fans who are interested in the questions, the page is relevant, where Bundesliga football matches and our links are broadcast on Free TV and on Pay-Anbietern Bzw. I am Stream laufen werden.

The 617 games of the season do not allow you to watch live on TV for free. The package consists of three European League games, a European League game, relegation with previous games and the Supercup. Last time this package is on ProSiebenSat.1.

Das Paket G mit 33 Partien am Samstagabend könnte – so wie derzeit bei Sky und Sport1 – auch zukünftig parallel im Free- et im Pay-TV übertragen werden. You will also be able to download the DFL from our Highlight-Rechtepakete für free zugängliche Sender. Further information is provided for audio and digital installations.

Did Neustart buy the TV auction for football fans?

Through the auction, fans paid for subscriptions which are included in the recommended playing time. Now we have to do it: Theoretical knowledge is within, it is possible that we do not have to worry about it, we also have the option to open the Erstliga package for the Pay-TV service. There is a back and forth within these, fans will have more subscriptions from 2025, as well as time spent, for all live-spiele on television seen.

Text: DPA / Editing: GD

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