
Vonovia und Co: So, it’s the Top-Pick that goes even further

Vonovia und Co: So, it’s the Top-Pick that goes even further

Deutsche Bank has new opportunities in the real estate sector. The Kursziele für Aroundtown, Vonovia and Co have turned to deutlich angehoben. Niedrigere Zinsen et stabilere Renditen geben der Branche Rückenwind. With new commercial advice from AKTIONÄR, you can take charge of setting up the real estate agency for you.

Deutsche Bank Research is leading an overview of the real estate industry. Analyst Thomas Rothäusler looks very confident in the future growth of the Branch.

The real estate branch is in German and is also in the same period of time as before. Rothäusler listens to all precious metals, robust credit marks, large active transactions and stable renderings as positive factor players.

The most optimistic are those of Deutsche Bank Research on the German real estate market. Favorite sectors are not supported by Vonovia. Das Kursziel für den gößten deutschen Wohnungskonzern hat Rothäusler von 33 auf 38 Euro angehoben. Also the activities of the Tochtergesellschaft Deutsche Wohnen empfiehlt er nun zum Kauf.

For Konkurrenten LEG Immobilien and TAG Immobilien, Rothäusler benefits from Kursziele erhöht. The price for TAG Immobilien costs no more than 18 euros (for 16 euros), for LEG Immobilien for 105 euros (for 90 euros). You can now use “Buy” instructions.

An optimist is a Rothäusler for real estate specialists around the city. The price is between 1.60 and 2.80 Euros, but there is no change in the price of “Hold”.

Neuer Rückenwind kam Ende vergangener Woche von der Zinsfront: Die Erwartungen an Zinssenkungen im Euroraum haben nach schwächeren Konjunkturdaten wieder zugenommen. The real estate agency benefits from the best Zinsen that are a perfect fit, because house and accommodation prices are taken into account. Gleichzeitig verbessert sich das Finanzierungsumfeld für die hoch verschuldeten Unternehmen.

DER AKTIONÄR can be found in the Marktführer Vonovia ebenfalls den Sektor-Favoriten. Die Aktie bleibt ein Kauf. With current trading advice from DER AKTIONÄR TV you can learn more about the business of Germany’s largest trading studios.