
Noiseflash Event – Fashion Music and Jugend Culture

Noiseflash Event – Fashion Music and Jugend Culture

Youth groups like Moritz Beck, Toss me back and Vanitas appeared in the REDBOX model.

Photo :
Stadtgemeinde Mödling

Noiseflash, the event for modern music and culture from Mödling, was launched in the REDBOX Mödling catalog instead of.

We are present at the Noiseflash event with young groups within the Mödlinger Bühne zum Beben establishment. Diesmal waren Moritz Beck, Toss me back and Vanitas zu Gast.

“La Maison des Juges was created with REDBOX as a platform for young groups in the region. It is surprising, to see, how the angenommen format is and our state society is badly aufs Neue Füllt”, is the obmann of the cultural youth houses and the youth city Stephan Schimanowa, SPÖ, said.

From November 29 to 19, you will find “Slam’md” – the Poetry Slam with Donner – the next youth cultural event in the REDBOX district. “Judgendary culture is in Mödling”, is Schimanowa überzeugt.