
Wie die Kriminalität im Alltag erlebt wird

Wie die Kriminalität im Alltag erlebt wird

Chicago golden as one of the most famous cities in the United States. Zwar does not flow crime from a year, but the Bewohner leben permanent in Anspannung. Eine Zusammenstellung von typical Verbrechen, die sich innerhalb einer Woche zutragen.

One day, a Schiesserei searches for a police on November 4 in Texas, in Chatham, in the Chicago district.

Tyler Pasciak Larivière / AP

In the United States, crime is also a gross theme in Chicago. In den Alltagsgesprächen mit Nachbarn nehmen Verbrechen, die gerade wieder en der Umgebung passiert sind, a wichtigen Platz ein. Often the lautet of the Tenor, is sei noch nie so schlimm gewesen wie jetzt. The war is the Anzahl du Morde in Chicago in the region of the rest of America, even if the Day of the Day 2021 is still flowing. This is a hinge for all general interest rates, which is due to all the traffic drops and car thefts. Die Angst vor solcher Gewalt ist verbreitet.

Panik, if a black SUV does not exist

Seltsamerweise is often found in black SUV vehicles. On September 12, a young man will spend the night at 1:30 a.m. within 56 days Mutter zur Arbeit fahren, as well as a solcher Wagen in his anhielt. Two Bewaffnete stiegen aus und forderten sie auf, ihr Geld herauszurücken. Then the Gangster will be in the house and will soon be left behind.

The woman’s brother was killed by the man and the woman by the father. Die feuerten zurück et entkamen. A market study will take place as in the scenario of Nachbarschaft Dasselbe. Das Opfer war dies Mal un 17-Jähriger, der ebenfalls gerade losfahren wollte. A mutmasslichen gangsters was created.

The major cities are in the southwest of Chicago, in a conveniently located city. In this case, it is possible to have more and more food, and it is free of charge. On August 24, I arrived in Loop, as well as at the Zentrum der Stadt, a real waterfall. A young man goes to war for 2 hours on the way to the hotel, and a black Range Rover takes care of him. Two men like to take care of their wallets and use them. Then you can see a couple on the other Strassenite street. Police expect the SUV to expand using a tracked mobile device. Das Nummernschild war gestohlen.

Inzwischen Gibt est immer more Leute à Chicago, les deux purses auf sich tragen. Please note that if there is an over-the-counter bank card, you will be able to pay the bank card. This trick is not how the Räuberns attack, but they have to arrange for the operation to be carried out with their own ATMs before using and withdrawing them.

A policeman made sure he was discovered by a select group on May 18 at the booth on S Albany Avenue in Chicago.

Imago / Kyle Mazza / Sopa Images /

Gang-Gewalt often trifft Unschuldige

Often, the Gangster attacks the car itself. Die Carjacking-Täter müssen allerdings damit rechnen, ass die Überfallenen enbenfalls bewaffnet sind.

So he went out on the next morning of October 25, like a Gangster to Mann, who is in a Steuer Sass vehicle, Pfefferspray in Gesicht Sprühten. It is a product like this, going with a waffle, and a bit of cake, a 16th day, in the knife. There are three other parts inside Toyota and inside.

A big problem is in our Gang-Gewalt. Während es früher in erster Linie um Rivalitäten and Abrechnungen 2nwischen den Gangs ging, kommen heute zunehmend Unbeteiligte zu Schaden, often Kinder. Das liegt aussi an der Verbreitung der Waffen. The merger took place in the “Chicago Tribune” on October 30 and went as follows: “A 14-year-old girl was seen by a doctor from a Roseland-Nachbarschaft office. Please refer to the following links below. The police are authorized.” The back and forth won’t have half the people fallen in Chicago, and of course they will oppose the anxiety of the often very strong gangs.

Viele Bewohner, vor german in den beüchtigten Vierteln im Süden et im Westen der Stadt, nehmen self für kürzeste Distance das Auto oder ein Taxi. In different workplaces, man is often in the middle of psychological places and attacks aggressive people. Weil sich so viele Stadtbewohner bedroht fühlen, gerade auch, wenn sie nachts unterwegs sind, erfreut sich “Citizen” grosser Beliebtheit.

This is a mobile application with standard security warnings, which will allow you to live for years with Lancet Wurde and millions of subscribers. You are informed of Benutzer in the Echtzeit über Verbrechen and verdächtige Vorfälle in seiner Umgebung. The dates are reserved for the app for all fans of the police, the Benutzer also have well-known personal videos and comments. It is integrated into major American cities.

Der Nachbar könnte ein Verbrecher sein

On Friday, October 30, the North Center neighborhood opens with a mix scene from “Citizen”: a man bought drinks in a Walgreens store, he asked for a bus, a bus unauthorized that has not been approved. A collector’s item, an exhibitionist angry with a woman in her genital body, a cell phone that fell, a naked woman tauche for a house auf, an autofahrer schiesst auf einen anderen. A number of films are broadcast live and broadcast live.

Es gibt auch eine “Delinquents”-Rubrik. Yesterday you can see a man who lives next to the Straftätern. Im Falle von North Center is more up to par, with the address and the real structures; It is a matter of sexuality like Missbrauch, Vergewaltigung and Kinderpornografie.

The application is available in criticism, as well as in privacy and protection of people, as well as voyeurism, alarm and denunciation. Eigentlich soll sie die Sicherheit erhöhen, verbreitet jedoch ein Gefühl von permanenter Bedrohung, wennicht Panik. In the end, when the situation becomes apparent, the Polizei will be affected by the situation, and we will unsubscribe from the Tür steht or a “Verdächtiger” during the Quartier geht, we will be able to see what happens next, and it will be black or short of a trap.

A development company, the vielen Bewohnern von Chicago Sorge bereitet, sind die grossen, often ausser Kontrolle geratenden Versammlungen von Jugendlichen. The “Trends” generated by the Treffen are for all Sommerferien beliefs. Die Zusammenkünfte werden kurzfristig über social netzwerke organisiert, often also mitten in the inner city. However, it is easy to do, it is in one of the Parks and it is in the same place as the Strassen in the streunen.

But in the protection of the mass it is a crude use, dinge zu tun, die man sich allein nicht getrauen würde: Passanten anpöbeln, Provokationen, Sachbeschädigung. Manchmal attacks the hiker judges of a loading, a hotel lobby or a small upscale hotel, and the angels of the surveillance of the provocateur nor of the staff or the security, the most suitable for the security of Reissaus. Then the Massenansammlungen warns “Citizen”.

Autofahrer, die sich beleidigt fühlen und zur Waffe grifen

For permanent stress, “roadrage” is also caused by the Gewalt im Strassenverkehr. When the car is in the driver’s seat, it must be the case that the vehicle is damaged and the nerves are damaged. Das cann tödlich werden. Denn täglich hört man von Lenkern, die eine Waffe zückten et auf einen Verkehrsteilnehmer schossen.

A typical fall will occur in September in Chicago. Kia trucks pass by the railway, as in the old days, in another car, nearby. Dessen Fahrer namesens Ortiz must abbremsen, follow dem Kia et schoss schliesslich trois Mal auf den Lenker. He realized that the police and the other Lenkers must have taken to the streets. Nach der Entdeckung der Waffe auf dem Beifahrersitz wurde Ortiz verhaftet. Oftentimes, they are sold by Amokfahrten also by Kinder ums Leben.

This is a declaration of all those states, from the Republic, which created a conflict with Fordern crime, to Chicago when the Unterstützung was found. It is, like the largest democratic village, a democratic Hochburg. The war has not taken place for a year, but the new presidential presidency is committed until December 77 for Kamala Harris.

Auch die Tendenz, Migranten für die Verbrechen verantwortlich zu machen, existiert hier kaum. The city has become a “sanctuary city,” also a safe port for undocumented migrants, and is accommodated in its ethnic life. War is the high crime rate of the bourgeois master builder’s jewels in a central theme, but the evil done of Brandon Johnson’s political critique is a rival to law and order. Manchmal hat man fast den Eindruck, dass die Chicagoer zwar sous den beständigen Risiken leiden, but also a bisschen stolz darauf sind, besonders hard zu sein.