
Google-App opens the Controversy Function – after which it is available

Google-App opens the Controversy Function – after which it is available

Google has integrated the iOS app into page annotations. Damit werden Begriffe on automatisch Webseiten in Links zu Google-Suchergebnissen umgewandelt – ohne vorherige Zustimmung der Webseitenbetreiber.

iOS: Google automatically puts links on the web page

In the iOS version of the Google app, you can access the web page without any problem. Begriffe, die zurück zu den Google-Suchergebnissen führen. We will continue to analyze and read the relevant Google pages on the web pages above and in these links umgewandelt.

Google also describes page annotations Hilfsmittel, um zusätzliche Informationen zu bietenOhne den Nutzer komplett von der ursprünglichen Seite wegzuleiten. A hint allows you to access searches in an App-Tray, as things can be more difficult to resolve.

Google automatically places links on the web page. (©Google)

Web pages, even if they are not written, must be self-activated. Google has an unsubscribe form used and there is a Bearbeitungszeit von bis zu 30 Tagen in Aussicht. The page annotation bar can be viewed in the article Bearbeitungszeit (Quelle: Google Search Help).

The Neuerung erinnert Google advertising intentions on the AdSense platformthe simplest automatic links are created, but also with the web service. Der Unterschied: Während Ad Intents a bewusste Anmeldung des Webseitenbetreibers erfordern, sind the Page Annotations standardmäßig aktiv.

Google: Helfen Nutzern Page Annotations

Google also has Page Annotations for better understanding, better yet for page annotations at your fingertips. If the sun is in the corner of the Unternehmens, it will be slightly different Context for people, orders or themes for users. The installation will be accompanied by the use of Google Knowledge Graph, which has been at the center of the best of this technology for a year.

For Google, once again has begun:

Google: Willkommen in der Gemini-Ära

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