
Zahlen and Fakten zur Vorrunde in the 1. Liga

Zahlen and Fakten zur Vorrunde in the 1. Liga

Vorrunden-Bilanz: FC Solothurn in the Tabellenmittelfeld with ausgeglichener Bilanz and negative to the Torverhältnis

A player from FC Solothurn stands in the first season of the first minute on the square: the wichtigsten Zahlen and the facts zur Vorrunde in group 2 of the 1. Liga.

FC Solothurn is the Vorrunde in the 1. Liga mit einer ausgeglichenen Bilanz von sechs Siegen, trois Unentschieden et sechs Niederlagen auf Zwischenrang sechs ab. Solothurn starts on August 3 with a 0:2-Heimniederlage passes FC Courtételle in the new Meisterschaft. In a 2:2 against Münsingen and a 0:1 against Besa Biel, he played in the match against FC Prishtina Bern in the first season (2:1).

1. Liga, Group 2: Ranglist

1. CG II 15/32.
2. Schötz 15/26.
3. Prishtina Bern 16/26.
4. Black stars 15/22.
5. Langenthal 15/21.
6. Solothurn 15/21.
7. Women 16/21.
8. Bassecourt 15/20.
9. Dietikon 15/20.
10. Courtetelle 15/18.
11. Rotkreuz 15/18.
12. Munsingen 15/16.
13. Thun II 15/16.
14. Besa Bienne 15/16.
15. Concordia Basel 15/15.
16. Muttenz 15/13

These are a match against Schötz (3:6), two matches against Langenthal (1:1) and a GC II (0:0) and a 0:3 match against FC Bassecourt. The best phase of the FCS took place on September 28 and November 2 with Siegen am Stück against Concordia Basel (2:1), Rotkreuz (1:0), Wohlen (5:0), Thun II (2:1). ) and Dietikon (2:1). The pre-match ended with two inferior games against the Black Stars (1:2) and SV Muttenz (1:3).

Solothurn has already integrated 15 video games and three games of chance.

Photo: Carole Lauener


The second Mannschaft from Zürcher Grasshoppers stands in the past 32 and heads to the table with a few seconds before the duo Schötz and Prishtina Bern an. The GC-Reserve played with 40 Toren in 15 games of the best offensive in Group 2. The 17-jährige Stürmer Tugra Turhan finished 17 Tore and is the friend of the Topskorer from the 1. Liga. Zurich won the highest match in Vorrunde: 8:1 against FC Black Stars in the last match.

1. League. Group 2

List of Torschützen:

17 Torn: Tugra Turhan (GC II).
14: Stephan Andrist (Schötz).
11: Manuel Alessio (Muttenz).
10: Nathan Kisisa.
8: Artian Kastrati (Prishtina Bern), Genc Krasniqi (Rotkreuz).
7: Hugo Casano (Courtételle), Georgino M’Vondo-Ze (Black Stars), Fabian Rüedi (Schötz), Timo Sollberger (Thun II), Dragan Stjepanovic (Solothurn).
6: Dino Babovic (Black Stars), Yassine Bouazzi (Langenthal), Yann Constant (Black Stars), Hannes Hunziker (Solothurn), Denis Temelkov (Concordia Basel).

Torschützen FC Solothurn:

7 Torus: Dragan Stjepanovic.
6: Hannes Hunziker.
3: Reda Taqtak.
2: Loris Vernocchi.
1: Léo Bitterli, Philipp Breu, Felix Hornung, Ibrahim Yimga.

Neun Treffer also found himself in the duel between FC Solothurn and FC Schötz, the Lucerne with 6:3 for sich entschieden. Die Solothurn bejubelten insgesamt 22 Tore – sieben Klubs waren produktiver. The teams best shot is Dragan Stjepanovic with his sieben Treffern, led by captain Hannes Hunziker with his seconds and Reda Taqtak with three.

Coach Gilles Yapi spends the winter with the Mannschaft on Sechsten Tabellenplatz.

Jose R. Martinez


With exactly one agent for the Party, the Grasshoppers in der Runde auch die best Defensivleistung von allen 16 Mannschaften. They managed to beat Mal Sauber to 0:0 against FC Solothurn.

The statistical data of the Group 2 hat of the Courtételle tabulation was 17 years old. Solothurn is located with 24 kassierten Toren auf dem achten Platz. The team of coach Gilles Yapi played three Mal zu draws. I am the best Gegentreffer, 35 years old from Zahl, bekam das Schlusslicht SV Muttenz.

1350 Minutes: Goalkeeper Felix Hornung stands in the 15 Vorrundenspielen zwischen den Pfosten, erzielte ein Tor et kassierte 24 Gegentreffer.

Image: Jose R. Martinez


The GC-Reserve is with two Punkten in the new game of the best Heimteam der Vorrunde. Gefolgt vom Aufsteiger Prishtina Bern mit 18 und Schötz mit 16 Punkten. FC Solothurn brought Heimsiege alive, played a Mal unentschieden and must have its own Anhang troisi Mal als Verlierer vom Platz. Das bedeutet Rang sieben in der Heimtabelle.

Please note that Solothurn is the site of its release. Acht Teams waren auswärts erfolgreicher. The best clubs on the field are FC Wohlen (14 points) and FC Concordia Basel (13), the German-based Indies plus Auswärtsspiele ausgetragen like the Konkurrenten.

1. League. Group 2


1. CG II 9/20.
2. Prishtina Bern 8/18.
3. Schötz 8/16.
4. Black Stars 09/15.
5. Rotkreuz 9/15.
6. Langenthal 7/14.
7. Solothurn 8/13.
8. Bassecourt 8/12.
9. Dietikon 8/11.
10. Courtételle 9/11.
11. Thun II 10/11.
12. Munsingen 7/10.
13. Muttenz 4/7.
14. Women 7/7.
15. Besa Bienne 6/7.
16. Concordia Basel 3/2.


1. Women 09/14.
2. Concordia Basel 12/13.
3. GC II 6/12.
4. Schötz 7/10.
5. Dietikon 7/9.
6. Besa Bienne 9/9.
7. Prishtina Bern 8/8.
8. Bassecourt 7/8.
9. Solothurn 7/8.
10. Courtetelle 6/7.
11. Langenthal 8/7.
12. Black stars 6/7.
13. Munsingen 8/6.
14. Muttenz 11/6.
15. Thun II 5/5.
16. Rotkreuz 6/3.


Goalkeeper Felix Hornung is one of the players of the FC Solothurn player, in the first season of the minute of the 15th absolute match. Hannes Hunziker played a role twice in two role-playing games for the pleasure of playing and staged it for 15 minutes.

The two Verteidigers Fabian Kohler and Lars Murpf, the Aussenläufer Reda Taqtak and Angreifer Dragan Stjepanovic find themselves in a role play for the Einsatz. Defensive player Ian Schläppi showed up during the auftakt season against FC Courtételle and found himself immersed in the Startelf.

Einsatzzeiten FC Solothurn

1:50 p.m.: Felix Hornung.
1335: Hannes Hunziker.
1:30 p.m.: Fabien Kohler.
1305: Lars Murpf.
1235: Ian Schläppi.
1202: Reda Taqtak.
1138: Dragan Stjepanovic.
992: Damir Mehidic.
810: Yannik Pfäffli.
775: Onno Koekenbier.
654: Leo Bitterli.
587: Loris Vernocchi.
510: Jano Loosli.
432: Philipp Breu.
329: Ibrahim Yimga.
316: Mica Zimmermann.
270: Samuele Castiglione.
176: Alessio Zuccarella.
59: Sadik Libourki.
44: Léandro Campitiello.
1: Kane Rawlins.
0: Jon Gashi, Timon Nützi, Daren Wyss.


Die Solothurn handelten sich 26 Gelbe Karten ein. Onno Koekenbier wurde fünf Mal verwarnt et war gegen Rotkreuz gesperrt. Damit Mehidic played with Gelbe Karten and must take part in the game for SV Muttenz. Léo Bitterli, Hannes Hunziker, Ian Schläppi and Reda Taqtak are among the three warned.

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