
Partycrasher Powell: “Keine Eile bei Zinssenkungen”

Partycrasher Powell: “Keine Eile bei Zinssenkungen”

Jerome Powell leaves the Zinsbremse. The State Bank of the United States announced on the last day that the Notenbank looked into the Starken Konjunktur which had Eile, the Zinsen zu Senken. The Dow reacts directly to buying and selling during the month.

The Fed will greet Jerome Powell with the “sorgfältig darauf achten”, the best message of internal inflation from an acceptable Rahmen. “Society is sending a signal that we have a way to make sure zinc is there,” Powell said in an anticipated response to a corporate meeting in Dallas.

“The stars, the passage of time in political life manifests itself, gives us Möglichkeit, we have solutions for things to do,” says Powellt. In der vergangenen woche hatte die Fed die Zinsen um einen Viertelprozentpunkt. Es war die 2weite Senkung innerhalb von sieben Wochen.

Letztlich concrete Powell erneut, the Entwicklung des Leitzinses von der Entwicklung der kommenden Daten et der Konjunkturaussichten abhängen werde.

Inflation has been near the Fed stock market for two days, but it is not happening yet today. The Notenbank set up the Kernindikatoren for die Inflation bei Gütern and the distribution services which were implemented by Auge, so that these two years fell seien.

Am Markt kamen die Aussagen erwartungsgemäß nicht gut an. It is obvious that we will not be today, because the dates of the Fed prognosis will be announced in the future, the month of December at the base point of December 25. The market stimulates them. The CME FedWatch Tool gives a fast forecast time of 80 percent, the Fed die Zinsen at its December decision at 25 basis points.

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DER AKTIONÄR took place during an upcoming Zinssenkung in December. Die Märkte dürften derweil den Blick schon auf 2025 richten. Powells Aussagen bremsen die Zinserwartungen etwas aus, ändern am Gesamtbild aber dennoch nur wenig – et c’est bleibt positive.