
Hopfen in new dimensions – BarthHaas auf der BrauBeviale

Hopfen in new dimensions – BarthHaas auf der BrauBeviale

Die Zukunft des Bierbrauens entdecken – dazu lädt der international Hopfenspezialist BarthHaas seine Besucher bei der BrauBeviale ein. Passend dazu steht imtelpunkt des Messeauftritts die Inspiration Range 2025, a unique collection with four innovative creative creations and several other inspiring creations, hopfen in a new Dimension erlebbar machen.

“With the Inspiration range, we respond to these proposal proposals and offer you creative ideas, just as you can with current creative trends,” said Thomas Raiser, director of BarthHaas. “The series presents examples of varied natural products in beer and other beverages with broader alcohol-based beverages and the treatment of wellness and lust products at the level of innovative leisure activities. »

You will need it under another Pale Ale session in new Hopfensorten and a non-alcoholic Lager. “Mit unserem Session Pale Ale will also prepare the Wunsch von Brauereien, Hopfenaroma effizienter in Lösung zu Bringen,” said Dr. Christina Schönberger, Director of the Brewing-Solutions-Teams at BarthHaas. “The new temperature-resistant products Titan and HBC 1019 provide with our product Hopfen Spectrum a complete and natural aroma in beer, the product Hophaze being suitable for a stable test for Hopfen. » Mit dem Session-Bier will be BarthHaas zudem den Trend zu Beer mit. weniger Alkohol bedienen.

Wholesale recipes in trend

For a product in the Inspiration range, BarthHaas specializes in other branches. Then enjoy the non-alcoholic lager in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Anlagenbauer Ziemann Holvrieka. Le Zugabe des Hopfens nach der Entalkoholisierung ermöglicht einen besonders guten Biergeschmack.

Neuartige et spannende Getränke abseits vom Beer sind ein Kefir ein Sprizz, die beide unterwendung von Hopfen hergestellt wurden. “For hopped kefir nuts, we have the belief to ferment the food, to provide healthy nuts,” said Christina Schönberger. “Our Sunny Hop Sprizz will allow you to take full advantage of the bitter drinks trend with fruity flavors. »

Another interesting production production is the short story “Hop and Relax”. The poor results have been added to the list and the instructions given by Martin Bauer.

In all the BarthHaas message proposals, the Inspiration 2025 range, a unique collection with four innovative creative creations and several other inspiring creations, hopfen in a new dimension erlebbar machen.

Cooperations are presented at the Collab Bar

National and international beers, which were created by large breweries in Zusammenarbeit mit BarthHaas kreiert wurden, were placed in the Collab Bar for their large company. Products from Brooklyn Brewery’s Carlsberg, British brewery Vocation and British hooligans Hop. Zum Einsatz kamen bei einigen Bieren die Liquid Hops Produkte von BarthHaas. We are not able to guarantee the quality, but also the efficiency of production, advice at Collab Bar.

A commercial cooperation with the German market of BarthHaas with its own creativity specialist brewery Maisel & Friends in Bayreuth has started: The new company Hopfensorte Eclipse in Australia welcomes “Eclipse Single Hop IPA”, under a single label created by the market. ground. BarthHaas erscheint dabei als Hopfenlieferant sogar auf dem Etikett. Also this project spanning interesting events and information about the Collab Bar.

Gemeinsam by unruhige Zeiten

The motto of BarthHaas Messengers is “Prospering together – working efficiently in a world that is as stable as possible”. Damit unterstreicht der Hopfenspezialist seine Rolle als innovator Partner, der die Brau- und Hopfenbranche dabei unterstützt, sich in anem dynamischen Umfeld zukunftsorientiert aufzustellen.

Die BrauBeviale is from November 26 to 28 in Nuremberg.

About BarthHaas

BarthHaas is a global entrepreneur of Hopfen products and services for Hopfen people. Das Familienunternehmen in achter Generation is a specialist for creative and effective products from Hopfen and Hopfenprodukten. While BarthHaas has created visions, impulses and ideas, for over 225 years on the market there is only one Genussrohstoff.

Quelle/Picture: BarthHaas GmbH & Co. KG