
Shuhei Yoshida will be available on PlayStation for up to 30 years

Shuhei Yoshida will be available on PlayStation for up to 30 years

Shuhei Yoshida, a central analyst for the PlayStation brand, announced that the contractors were taking on three years of work. Sein Rücktritt will take place on January 15, 2025.

Shuhei Yoshida, who is behind the new days of PlayStation and the brand’s entry into war, was declared by Sony Interactive Entertainment (SIE) becannt gegeben. Along with Mitarbeiter, the action of the Indie-Entwickler-Initiative of SIE was created from now on, in the industry for the good.

PlayStation is in good hands

Yoshida started in 1993 as one of the first Teammates on PlayStation and supports Ken Kutaragis VisionSpäter als PlayStation weltweiten Erfolg feiern sollte.

“The war between the first novice technicians, team and entrepreneurs of Sony Corporation, began the development of the PlayStation market for planning”, see Yoshida letter. Zu seinen ersten Aufgaben gehörte es, Entwickler and Publisher in Japan for the 3D-Grafiktechnologie zu gehörte es – un Herausforderung in a Zeit, in der viele the 3D-Grafiktechnologie sceptisch betrachteten.

Im Laufe seiner Karriere übernahm Yoshida zahlreiche Führungsrollen. Between 2008 and 2019, president of SIE Worldwide Studios, before his current position as director of the Indie-Initiative, he is as “Traumjob” bezeichnete.

The point of time is one of the most interesting articles, as Yoshida wrote: “I will be released by Sony Interactive Entertainment on January 15, 2025… and this is how I am at the start of a new game that just came out – and I didn’t have more time to do it”

It follows that PlayStation thought of him and said: “Dem Unternehmen geht es großartig. I love the PS5 and the game, on this platform. PlayStation is also in wirklich guten Handen.

Yoshida is optimistic about the direction of the market. Besonders beeindruckt zeigt er sich of the new generation in management: “We have a new Führungskräfte, who respects and surprises me.”

A moment in Yoshidas Karriere, der Fans noch longe in Erinnerung bleiben wird.

A personal highlight: Travel

Während seiner Tätigkeit erlebte Yoshida viele prägende Momente, doch ein Spiel sticht for ihn besonders hervor: “Journey” de Thatgamecompany. This game, on the PlayStation Network, was revealed and resulted in more “Game of the Year” awards.

“It’s about all these AAA titles by, I say, it’s the war of the first evil in the branch,” erinnert er sich. A moment bemerkenswerter sei dabei ein ganz besonderer Brief gewesen.

“Schöpfer Jenova Chen held a Vortrag at the Gipfel and spoke of a brief, den er von einem Mädchen erhalten hatte, das seinen Vater verloren hatte et in dem sie an ihren Vater dachte and so in the Lage war, mit ihrem Leben weiterzumachen”, therefore Yoshida.

Das amte Publikum sei damals aufgestanden et der “ganze Raum war erfüllt von Freude et dem großartigen Gefühl, this little game is such a big impact on the lives of men aben könnte”.

More information about Shuhei Yoshida:

Yoshida often found himself inside his office, and he is now in the gaming branch of the activity very well. Fans are responding on social platforms with excellent and good plans for their project. A moment of welcome in Yoshidas Karriere erinnert for you?

More information on PlayStation, Shuhei Yoshida, Sony Interactive Entertainment.

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