
WTI further into the basements of Seitwärtsrange ()

WTI further into the basements of Seitwärtsrange ()

Under the leadership of US President-elect Donald Trump, a fossil fuel energy project was launched massively, it died a robot on the global market and the price was announced further in the Keller project. Now you can see the American WTI guy in your women running the range, the hand signal is not coming here.

The results of the Kursverlauf engagement from mid-September will be clear on a set of strengthening of the security forces, which means that the multiple SKS training by a bruch of the guard line will be applied at 66.80 US dollars at the level of the secondary activity. This is a short-term investment in the Rohöl period, which can reach 65.29 in the near future and reach 63.61 US dollars. Please note that this means that we do not have any volatility when it is exposed. During the Observatory, it will be necessary for the bridge to move to US$72.50 for WTI, which will cause a price increase to 74.72 and possibly reach US$78.42. Fundamental Gründe für ein solches Scenario sind derzeit allerdings schwer auszumachen.

Trading strategy:

1. Long position at US$72.50, stop at US$71.00. Kursziel 73.33/74.74 US Dollar – speculative!

2. Short position below US$66.75, stop at US$67.50. Price 65.29 US dollars – speculative!

Anmerkungen: Stopps and Gewinnziele im Insight are also points of future orientation and important measures for risk management and own risks as well as jewelry management in the summer trade.

Gewinne eigenständig mitnehmen.

WTI (Tageschart in US Dollar)


Wichtige Chartmarken

Wider support:

69.31 // 70.69 // 71.49 // 72.48 US Dollar

Content :

66.75 // 66.36 // 65.29 // 63.61 US Dollar

Strategy for regular races




Long Open End Turbo

act. Kurs:

13.06 – 13.09 euros


DZ Bank

Base price:

54,925 US dollars

Basic answer:



54,925 US dollars

act. Kurs Basiswert:

68.59 US Dollar

Free time:

Open end





Strategy for Kurse Falls




Turbo Open End Shorts

act. Kurs:

20.97 – 20.98 euros


DZ Bank

Base price:

90.58 US Dollar

Basic answer:



90.58 US Dollar

act. Kurs Basiswert:

68.59 US Dollar

Free time:

Open end





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