
E-Auto-Quote for 2030: Asiatisches Lands setzt unglaubliches Ziel

E-Auto-Quote for 2030: Asiatisches Lands setzt unglaubliches Ziel

(OATZ TO GO FACTORY – in Bang Saen: Thailand has electric mobility for you.

Thailand has decided to do everything, as well as the Southeast Asia Electric Mobility Center. The ambitious Ziele des Landes lassen die Konkurrenz aufhorchen.

Thailand is striving to get a replacement roll in electromobility and a formula within 2030: until 2030, 30 percent goes to the country producing electric vehicles.

Mit dem sogenannten 30@30-Ziel und umfassenden Regierungsmaßnahmen zieht das Land zunehmend international Automobilhersteller an, die Thailand als idealen Standort für ihre Elektrofahrzeug- und Batteriefabriken sehen.

The EV-3.5 plan: Thailand commits to electric mobility

A central element of Thailand’s strategy is the EV-3.5 plan. Mit der Initiative fördert die Regierung gezielt die Entwicklung et Produktion von Elektrofahrzeugen im eigenen Land. The plan includes grants, leases and other services, an Australian employer and an experienced contractor to provide support.

Neben der Production konzentriert sich der Plan auch darauf, eine nationale Lieferkette für Unternehmen im Bereich Elektromobilität aufzubauen. Through investment in research, acquisition and investment in leading companies, Thailand will be able to establish an import base and a solid foundation for its own automotive electronics industry.

Thailand as a production center for the e-mobility sector

Through role-playing at the national study level and Thailand’s strategic framework, it is aimed at magnets for international automobile manufacturers. So, the Chinese E-Auto-Gigant BYD was established in July 2024 at a new factory in Rayong, which cost up to 150,000 electric units for the Asian, Australian and European market. In the BMW factory, around 2025, the first premises will be managed by Elektroautos zu liefern. Die Münchner sind schon seit dem Jahr 2000 in Thailand ansässig. A new company Hochvoltbatterie-Fabrik in Rayong is starting to take care of the electromobility strategy of German car manufacturers in the region.

BYD and BMW are not investing in the Thai market. Zahlreiche weitere international Automobilhersteller haben ihre Präsenz im Land ausgebaut. These include Chinese brands like Great Wall Motor and SAIC and Japanese brands like Toyota and Honda. And Mercedes-Benz is in 2022 with the assembly of electric vehicles and batteries in Thailand active. Isuzu factory, dating from 2025 in Thailand, for the first time in the European Union for the export of electrical products.

Thailand and Elektro-Vorreiter in South-East Asia

For the electric mobility sector, there is an efficient and effortless local connection key. Chinese battery manufacturer SVOLT started in 2024 in Zusammenarbeit with Thai energy suppliers Banpu, then EV battery production in Thailand. The Changan automobile manufacturer has partners with Thai suppliers in charge, and the national production starts and the electrical sector is still open.

Dank gezielter Maßnahmen et bedeutender Investitionen hat sich Thailand zur führenden Electro-Nation en Sudostasien entwickelt. During the year 2023, the sale of electric automobiles in a country of over 76,000 Einheiten, was a guarantee of a purchase in an avant-garde vehicle.

The first quarter of 2024 lags the market at 14 percent. The Thai Investment Council has established a set of fortifications in the Wachstums region and a bisherigen investment program in the domestic sector of the electric vehicle industry over the next three years.

Germany and Seine stagnierenden E-Auto-Pläne

Thailand has also created masses and established more players and more bigger players in electromobility. Deutschlands Verkehrswende hingegen steht vor großen Herausforderungen.

Ursprünglich factory of the German Regierung, to 2030 round 15 Millionen E-Autos auf die Straße zu Bringen. Das wären etwa 30 Prozent des gesamten Fahrzeugbestands. Doch das Ziel wirkt zunehmend unerreichbar. Die nachfrage nach Elektrofahrzeugen stagniert et der Ausbau der Ladeinfrastruktur verläuft schleppend. Hinzu kommen internal Probleme bei den deutschen Herstellern and der wachsende global Wettbewerb, die den Fortschritt zusätzlich hemmen.