
WoW: Pirates have no problem

WoW: Pirates have no problem

Author :

Philip Sattler

What: polite

11/27/2024 at 4:00 p.m. –

We’ve finally arrived at Plunderstorm being added to WoW – and the first indication of patch 11.1 release data.

In the past years, the WoW player has had a unique experience. Davon waren neck a voller Erfolg – like the perfect example of the Mists of Pandaria Remix. Andere wiederum kamen nur so semi-intestinal. Zu Letzterem gehört sicherlich auch der Plunderstorm. The Battly-Royal-Modus has two fans, which all have the same games as the Belohnungen wegen.

Umso überraschter waren viele, and the entwickler auf der Vergangenen Warcraft Direct a Rückkehr des Plunderstorms has been discovered. The game mode is single and second chance, and players are completely aware that they are aware of the first version of the previous version.

Thanks to this function, you risk having a little bald spot. Auf dem PTR is not the name of the Word-generated Release-Zeitraum and Dauer of Plunderstorms 2.0.

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2025 has arrived with Plunderstorm 2.0

On the PTR for WoW (jetzt kaufen ) Patch 11.0.7 has been implemented for Plunderstorm and the event. Zwar ist er da zugehörigen Daten sind natürlich schon vorhanden – including the Laufzeit des Events.

After the initial entry into the platform warehouse, the entry is not available in a new time, so the start and end data are wider. Naturally, you can see that era today, but Blizzard is going after the offensive man from that era.

Laut PTR, from the US-Zeiten base page, indicates the Plunderstorm 2.0 from the beginning and the following ending:

  • Start: 01/14/2025 at 10:00 a.m.
  • End: 02/18/2025 at 11:00 p.m.

When we have davon ausgehen, the new version also an die EU-Server gebunden sein wird, Plunderstorm 2.0 therefore began on January 15 and ended on February 19. Damit liefe die new Version lediglich fünf Wochen, in der wir uns die neuen Belohnungen verdienen können.


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The end of Plunderstorms in mid-February will take place with the first indication of a single release date for patch 11.1. Laut Roadmap corresponds to Plunderstorm with patches 11.0.7 and 11.1. It is also very realistic indoors, when the update is released at 11:10 a.m. on February 19 or on the scheduled day. These allergies are not the best.