
FC 25: “Biest” von der Anfield Road – Konaté-Hype in FUT

FC 25: “Biest” von der Anfield Road – Konaté-Hype in FUT

The new FUT season offered to players with a long Atem “one of the best free cards over time”: Ibrahima Konaté. Hält Liverpools Höhenflug an, wird der Franzose in FC 25 sogar noch besser.

Ibrahima Konatés is the new Top-Karte who is at the forefront of the season-Fortschritt zu haben.
kicker eSports/EA SPORTS(2)

At Pack-Ärger, the sleeve player played in FC 25 verspüren: EA SPORTS has once again launched FUT in Köcher. Swap systems are selected for positive stimulation in the community – creating the new season in Ultimate Team.

You are entitled to a large part of your final reward: At level 35 you can play with Liverpool player Ibrahima Konaté’s long Atem as a free Winter Champions card – get FUT Points, Coins or Luck Pack.

Dafür werden zwar 35,000 Saison-Punkte et damit zahlreiche Spielstunden fällig. Der FUT-Grind lohnt aber: Konatés Spezialobjekt besitztt a 89er-Overall-Rating – Stärke (95) and Faire Zweikämpfe (90) fell in the ranking.

The winter champion was adopted by Franzose via the PlayStyle+ “Antizipation”. Under the different playstyles of the map you will find “In der Luft” and “Entscheidender Pass”. Like Spielerrolle++, EA SPORTS used “Defender”.

Liverpools Höhenflug: upgrade for Konaté?

The old Beste am new Item: The End of the Fahnenstange ist womöglich noch nicht erreicht. Winter Champions are dynamic, easy-to-update upgrades – as well as actual team activities. The Liverpool FC match took place on January 3. The Premier League Council of Ministers took place on January 30, 2017, with the committee meeting at 91 point aufgestockt. The Australian is prächtig: The Mannschaft von der Anfield Road has zurzeit acht Zähler Vorsprung.

In the social environment, the new FUT object is generated. “Konaté is one of the best free cards in the day,” published ‘EA FC 25 News’ among 670,000 fast subscribers on X mit. “Ein Best” if the Item also has an Upgrade, it is part of the Account of the eSport-Organization Team Gullit.

Three levels of Konaté are at 32nd. Ebenfalls mit 89er-Gesamtbewertung, ebenfalls als Winter Champion. “Das ist mit Abstand die beste Season, die wir jemals hatten”, displays ‘Maxwe01’ in the comments list auf FUTBIN.