
Black Friday-Deal: New Apple Watch 10 at Angebot

Black Friday-Deal: New Apple Watch 10 at Angebot


The discounts on Apple products are different, but they are free: Bei CoolBlue allows you to activate a Black Friday on these new Apple watches.

Both outputs of the Apple Watch 10 are activated by CoolBlue. (What: Apple)

Smartwatches are like Sand am Meer. If an iPhone is a nutzt, that’s exactly what an Apple Watch is able to do, because the management system is perfect to help you do it. Jedoch sind product von Apple meist teuer et battene sind eher selten. In the Black Friday-Zeit I got my preview: the seller CoolBlue arrived on November 15, this new Apple Watches brand is launched.

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Bei CoolBlue is the Apple Watch Series 10 in two updates in the robot. Entweder bekommt your watch in black, with a large 42 millimeter screen and a sports loop armband. I suggest you buy it for the 42 millimeter version in rose gold with sports armband. Available in the WLAN version without 4G and costs with the robot 419 euros instead of 426 euros. Their owners found their Black Friday over the brand new iPad Air and AirPods 4 with and without active noise cancellation for a great price.

Das steckt drin

On the first of September this month, the Cupertino manufacturer announced the Apple Watch 10. It is a 9.7 millimeter smart watch from Apple. Please note that this is not the case with new metal parts. This comes with a 4G model for mobile phones and charging stations.

Apple presents the screen of the new Apple Watch as the largest, that’s what I’m saying. Ihr bekommt eine 30 Prozent vergrößerte Anzeigefläche. With a smart OLED panel, it’s easy to have a display screen above even the brightest windows. Zudem hat Apple die Helligkeit verbessert. Trotzdem ist Uhr noch energieeffizienter als ihre Vorgänger.

The Techgigant is entitled to many interesting features: So is the Apple Watch 10 of its other models, welches Schlafapnoe, also Aussetzer der Atmung im Schlaf, erkennen kann. You can also use the Apple Watch 10 to perform an EKG and have a very low runtime to notify you of unusual frequencies. And the atmospheric frequency and Blutsauerstoff disk storage miss the watch. Women can use a temperature sensor which is obtained in their used Zyklus.

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