
The Hamburg quiz on NDR 90.3 – jetzt mitmachen |

The Hamburg quiz on NDR 90.3 – jetzt mitmachen |

Are you able to do this in the city? Then take the Hamburg quiz! Bei NDR 90.3 können Sie jeden Morgen gewinnen.

Do you love Hamburg and do you like everything that happens in your city? Do you know where the Reeperbahn and Deichtorhallen, Wilhelmsburg and Elbvororten, Kirchen, Kultur oder Hafen and Spaß am Spiel are? May you play with our Hamburg quiz. von Montag bis Freitag Games will be played with your hands – near “Hamburg am Morgen” bei NDR 90.3 submerged uh 8:40 a.m.

All Prices for the Winnings

Täglich gibt es tolle Preise zu gewinnen. Was it so dafür tun müssen? Our moderator or moderator lasts 40 seconds for a period of time. If you are in this spirit of the times, you have rich things to do, you have already gewonnen.

Listen to the candidate or candidate for the Hamburg quiz! Our moderators Ulf Ansorge and Nicole Steins like to play with them. Simply fill out the form without tension and with a little preview if you are at the next step.