
Getarnter Prototyp a large Elektro-Gran-Turismo

Getarnter Prototyp a large Elektro-Gran-Turismo

The Jaguar I-Pace is available so far on the British manufacturers’ website, but without further configuration in summer. Seither hat the Marke kein ziges Elektroauto mehr auf dem Markt. This time we present Jaguar images of a resulting prototype.

Among the new electric models, there is often a Gran Turismo or a limousine that comes across a motor vehicle with a vehicle. Das Auto will be available in England until 2026 on the market.

automobile car Bezeichnet den Wagen als Gran Turismo. Technical basis Jaguar Electrified Architecture (JEA) breast, of the wir zum ersten Mal hören. Then JEA has two other bases. Dazu gehören neben dem Gran Turismo still a large limousine and a large SUV.

Die Marke soll künftig besser mit BMW, Audi, Bentley, Porsche et Co. mithalten können. Deshalb versprach Jaguar-Chef Rawdon Glover schon im Sommer ein high technisches Level – et entsprechende Preise. It’s a long way to go along Gran Turismo with electric Antrieb and around 700 km Reich weite starten, hieß es damals. A design study takes place in December. I plant in a a price of 120,000 euros for a Gran Turismo with 700 km of road and power above 430 kW. This car is also available here.

This is a simple model of the Jaguar. December 2 as Designstudie presented, it is something unwahrscheinlich – Jaguar released teaser images of the production version, when two women had a live study. This Design vision concept floor bei der Arts Week in Miami we develop and carry out complete series design work.

The Electric-Jaguar is very long-lasting. Die seitenansicht wirkt lang und gestreckt

All three images have a single automatic control line with a languid control vehicle and a hohen driving line – the safety window is still small. This means that there are some free and large orders.

Die Form des Hecks ist noch schwer zu beurteilen; it’s a Diagonal elementan art backpack, but you can also do it with a tarnung manual. If so, it is a form of conventional limousine. An image of the car suggests that Jaguar is not visible. When it comes to power, the car is fitted with the Polestar 4 Keine Heckscheibe haben wird; The status is one of the camera bases.

Vorne an der recht eckig wirkenden Karosserie fallt der Kühlergrill in Jaguar-typischer form auf. Also, it is your gut that is your handeln. In the middle of a frozen log, the tarnfolie is heated. Für Kühlluft sorgen vermutlich ausschließlich die Einlässe im Stoßfänger. The right Fahrzeugseite is a plane integrated into Türgriffe and the Ladeklappe suggests they have the right to Vorderrad zu erkennen:

Image from: Photo: Jaguar

Premium deals also include the Mercedes EQS, BMW i7 and Porsche Taycan. After traveling 700 km on the road and a 430 kW off-road vehicle, the Mercedes EQS got into the Topversion AMG 53 4Matic+ in Betracht. It has 484 kW and a range of 626 km, costs 155,000 euros. The BMW i7 in the Spitzen M70 variant with 485 kW practical for simple driving, has covered 559 km on the road and costs 184,000 euros. The Taycan is rated at 515 kW; Here you travel a maximum of 628 km, the price starts at 148,000 euros.

Under the Strich

Jaguar is manufacturing a large electric grand tourer with longer meter lengths, so the BMW i7, Mercedes EQS and Porsche Taycan are in service. Dem entsprechend werden die Preise ausfallen. 700 km road length and a 430 kW road section with a power of 430 kW. If we want to pay 120,000 euros, this will be the highest price. Of course, Jaguar also has an 800 volt system, like the Taycan and Mercedes for the EQS factory.