
Die 10 reichsten Schweizer – so haben sie ihr Vermögen aufgebaut

Die 10 reichsten Schweizer – so haben sie ihr Vermögen aufgebaut

Ernesto and Dona Bertarelli, Magdalena Martullo-Blocher and Gianluigi Aponte gehören zu den Reichsten Menschen aus der Schweiz.
photo alliance/KEYSTONE | SALVATORE DI NOLFI / ANTHONY ANEX / dpa | Christian Charisius / Collage: Léa Oetjen, Business Insider

  • The Tax Justice Network lists Switzerland as one of the most credible countries in the world.
  • Laut Forbes worked in Switzerland’s 86 Billion, led by executives such as Gianluigi Aponte, Ernesto Bertarelli and Ivan Glasenberg.
  • Switzerland has an equipment manufacturer and a thousand aufgrund men to attract specialists and attractive working conditions.

The Tax Justice Network has been highlighted in recent months in the most credible countries in the world – in the young countries located in Switzerland on Place 5. The country with 8.85 million golden euros and people believing be Billions and friends – was under another auf die Unternehmenssteuer zurückzuführen ist.

Multinational companies like Glencore, Nestlé, Novartis and Roche have their headquarters here and benefit from the best working conditions. Dagegen regt sich seit Jahren Widerstand im In- und Ausland. Aber: In der Gegenwart nutzen das viele Unternehmer und Konzerne noch aus.

Geschäftsleute aus all Welt, therefore under anderem also Klaus-Michael Kühne as Reichster Deutscher, verlegen ihren Wohnsitz in die Schweiz.

Lest too

Klaus Michael Kühne: Rechnung zeigt, wie unfassbar reich der reichste Deutsche wirklich ist

Laut Forbes has published 86 million books in Switzerland – and this is very much the same as in Russia and Great Britain. Zum Vergleich: In the USA there are 840 Superreiche, in China it is with 428 half so old and in India with 191 in a Viertel. Germany, with a single measure, does not have the slightest interest in the Indians, which brings in 120 million euros.

Aber: Welche 10 Menschen sin eigentlich die reichsten in der Schweiz? The information from Forbes and Bloomberg was published by Business Insider in a preview.

1. Gianluigi and Rafaela Aponte – Gründer von MSC

Gianluigi Aponte is a Swiss and Italian shipping company of the Mediterranean Shipping Company (MSC), the world’s largest container shipping company. It was with Frau Rafaela that your gemeinsames Vermögen auf 33.1 Billion US-Dollar geschätzt.

Gianluigi Aponte is a billionaire.
photo alliance/dpa | Christian Charisius

The Reederei MSC started with small carriers and worked on investments and global expansion for a logistics network. MSC does not use container trucks, but strives to operate a global shipping line. Gianluigi Aponte is responsible for its implementation within the framework of Öffentlichkeit. The 84-Jährige also had a sehr private Leben, trotz des riesigen Firmenimperiums.

2. Ernesto Bertarelli – the second billionaire

Ernesto Bertarelli is a foreigner at Wurzeln in Italy and Switzerland. It appeared by the Pharmakonzern Serono bekannt, der viele Jahre seiner Familie gehörte. Its price is 11.2 billion US dollars.

The professional brother is Ernesto Bertarelli, the CEO of Red Bull Racing’s Segel-Sparta. The billionaire loves this hobby.

The 59 Years’ War also took place in the America’s Cup as Segler erfolgreich, who worked as part of Team Alinghi on a yacht from Switzerland for a second voyage. This is a big deal with warring investors when Serono and Merck purchased US$13.3 billion in January 2006. He invested Bertarelli in various projects – in the field of real estate, tech start-ups and his own foundation for business research.

3. Ivan Glasenberg – CEO of Glencore sibling

Ivan Glasenberg is a Swiss, the founder of South Africa. He is a CEO of Glencore, one of the largest Rohstoffkonzerne weltweit. An amount of 9.1 billion US dollars was spent. The billionaire started his career at Glencore as a Rohstoff service provider and worked as part of the general management, until he was the most schließlich CEO.

Ivan Glasenberg is a billionaire and lebt in Switzerland.
photo alliance/dpa/TASS | Mikhail Tereshchenko

The 67s aim for a direct and aggressive management strategy, with Glencore being a dominant player in the machte branch. In the war against the wichtigster Deal of Glencore and Xstrata in January 2013, one of the great Rohstoff agreements in the world found its happiness. Now the Rücktritt blieb Glasenberg einer der größten Anteilseigner des Unternehmen.

4. Guillaume Pousaz – Gründer von

Guillaume Pousaz is a Swiss employer and sales advisor for customer service. This is an amount of 7.2 billion US dollars. runs one of the world’s most active Fintech startups, as well as providing services for large clients like Netflix and Klarna.

Guillaume Pousaz lived in Switzerland and Dubai.
photo alliance / NurPhoto | Rita Franca

This is the 43rd day of examining unconventional market trends. Biggest Deal war in US$1 billion funding round in January 2022, on with over US$40 billion available. Pousaz worked in Geneva and invested several times in other technology startups.

5. Thomas Schmidheiny – the Billionaire of Zements

Thomas Schmidheiny intervened in a business family and a major war newspaper of the trading company Holcim. This is a large district and construction office from all over the world. And: Der 78-Jährige führte das Unternehmen in die global Expansion. He is worth around US$6.9 billion.

Thomas Schmidheiny’s prize of one million dollars will bring in 6.9 billion euros.

A positive response from Ereignis to the Merger of Holcim and Lafarge in January 2015, the large global product sales company. Thomas Schmidheiny is, as an arts expert and philanthropist, present in the Bereich der Umweltbildung. Today it is an important investment as an investor and which is also at the service of social security.

6. Rahel Blocher – Unternehmerin in der Chemie

Rahel Blocher is the leader of prominent Swiss politician and political supporter Christoph Blocher. Paying for 48 days will cost US$6.5 billion. This is an Ems chemistry entrepreneur, an entrepreneur specializing in the polymer and chemistry branch. The Blocher Family is committed to your efforts in Swiss politics, for all by the Swiss People’s Party.

The photo from the time of Rahel Blocher with her brother Markus and Mutter Silvia. This is the easiest image for you, the middle has nothing to do with it.
photo alliance / ullstein picture | Sabine Wunderlin

Your biggest Deal war der Ausbau von Ems-Chemie im Bereich der Spezialpolymere. Das brachte das Unternehmen auf international Märkte. Rahel Blocher is part of the Gegensatz zu ihrem Vater either for the Öffentlichkeit zurück and for all American tätigs.

7. Rudolf Maag – Milliardär der Medizintechnik

Rudolf Maag is an investor in the medical technology sector, for everything related to the synthetic production company. An amount of 5.8 billion US dollars was spent. Der 78-Jährige waren überaus entscheidend an der Entwicklung von Synthes beteiligt, aussi un führenden Anbieter von orthopädischen Implantaten.

Rudolf Maag is golden as “unbekannter Milliardär”. The current images are not for me.
photo alliance/keystone

The biggest deal of the sale of Synthes to Johnson & Johnson in January 2012 for 20 billion US dollars. Maag now works in Switzerland and has invested in various start-ups, integrated into the global sector. It is also like Philanthrop aktiv, besonders im Bereich der Bildung.

8. Magdalena Martullo-Blocher – CEO of der Chemie

Magdalena Martullo-Blocher is CEO of Ems-Chemie. These are the Tochter von Christoph Blocher and the Schwester von Rahel Blocher. Your price is 5.7 billion US dollars. The 55-year-olds were entrusted with the fight against Ems chemistry by their Vater and their leader in a phase of austere Wachstums.

Magdalena Martullo-Blocher, amtlich Magdalena Martullo, is a Swiss politician and academic.

Bekannt ist Martullo-Blocher für ihren fokussierten Führungsstil et ihre Innovationskraft im Bereich der Hochleistungspolymere. Un Deal war der Ausbau des Unternehmens in den asiatischen Markt, was Ems-Chemie neue Wachstumschancen eröffnete. This is an active political activity and a seat in the Swiss National Council.

9. Dona Bertarelli – after the stay for investors

Dona Bertarelli is Ernesto Bertarelli’s Switzerland and is responsible for his investments in the real estate and real estate sector. Your value is worth against 4.9 billion US dollars. This is a competition segment and war match of the Alinghi-Teams for the America’s Cup project.

Dona Bertarelli is a professional Seglerin and Immobilien-Investorin.
photo alliance / dpa | Laurent Gilliéron

Die 56-Jährige is also an active philanthropy, integrated into the pursuit of economic research and nature protection. You are able to work as a real estate agency and invest for everything in luxury hotels and resorts. It’s about your extravagant lifestyle and your training for the sport of sport.

10. Hansjörg Wyss – Gründer von Synthes

Hansjörg Wyss is a Swiss entrepreneur, der sein Vermögen in der Medizintechnik gemacht hat.
The price is around 4.8 billion US dollars. Zudem war er der Gründer von Synthes, un führenden Anbieter von medizinischen Implantaten.

Hansjörg Wyss is the Gründer von Synthes.
photo alliance/KEYSTONE | ANTHONY ANEX

The biggest war deal of the purchase of Synthes against Johnson & Johnson for 20 billion US dollars in January 2012. Wyss is a specialist in nature protection and a billion in environmental protection, for all at UNITED STATES. Today, 89 took place in the United States, but it contributed to the philanthropic influence of the Reich with the Swiss.