
RTL offers Quoten-Hit in the program

RTL offers Quoten-Hit in the program

Do you have any problems with Raab?

RTL offers Quoten-Hit in the program

11/28/2024 – 5:32 p.m.Lesedauer: 2 Min.

RTL March 27, 2024: An event like yesterday in Kassel will not be more interesting. (Quelle: IMAGO/Andreas Fischer/imago)

For Stefan Raab war RTL bereit, tief in die Tasche zu greifen. Jetzt stellt sich heraus: Es muss gespart werden. A Quotenerfolg flies daher aus dem Programm.

90 million euros for an old Geld. RTL rightly said that this summer a Stefan Raab had a party event and was in charge of it. There was no comment from the sender, but the investigation was completed within the company. I’m even more likely to know what RTL has to say about Sparen gezwungen wird.

These are RTL with many other agencies in Germany and: Die Konjunktur schwächelt, Investitionen sind ein hohes Risiko et in allen Bereichen explodieren die Preise. Also the Fernsehwerbemarkt leidet. Damit hasen viele Medien zu kämpfen, doch inbesondere die Privatsender bekommen die Auswirkungen zu spüren.

This is how it was first written by the media quarter of the RTL group and conference leader Thomas Rabe who are to prepare the overall forecast for the winter month of 2024. I read the “Süddeutsche Zeitung” in an active message from the sender: “The company, so humid from RTL, is Stefan Raab, owned by the individuals of the Nullerjahre was, wenn sich die Millionen für ihn. nicht lohnen?”

Ebenfalls betroffen is “Die Passion”. This is when the Oster-Spektakels are served. A “if aufwendiges Live-Musik-Event” cannot be found, with an RTL speech in the “SZ” zitiert. “Die Passion” will premiere in 2022 and 2023 will then go on hiatus. 2024 gab es die 2024 Ausgabe. And we have two millions of millions of people to buy. This is a purchase of more than $600,000 during the premiere, which is then found in a quote for RTL. Then this will be the sender’s route for the show – and so “La Passion” will drop in 2025 from the Éclaireur to the Opfer.