
Taken from the Westens or the colonialist Schurke?

Taken from the Westens or the colonialist Schurke?

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Plötzlich war er wieder da. In February 2022, Wladimir Putin’s Russia attacks Ukraine, the war between Winston Churchill and another in the world.

The Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung published articles about the angels of the new Western chamber having found a new Churchill, and the Spiegel was published by Ukrainian President Wolodymyr Selenskyj in a “Churchill in fleece”, and the Tageszeitung Welt außerte die Meinung, Selenskyj “Sprach, as inspired by Churchills Geist”. 2022 awarded Selensky the “Sir Winston Churchill Leadership Award” of the International Churchill Society, which was presented by Churchill-Verehrer Boris Johnson. So, like Churchill in Britain, Europe and the free world for tyranny, he had to appeal to the Western Putins for Ukraine to be led into the future and the liberal and democratic world.

At zum 150. The anniversary of the two British prime ministers learned that the “Churchill Myth” must eventually be found. How are you ? Today, I think that is precisely what happened, as Churchill fell in England: 2020 saw his statue in London’s Parliament Square, along with the display of white, colonial, zu überwindenden Britannien galt. Labor politician John McDonnell gave Churchill a ‘Schurken’ in 2019, but in 1910 a Labor stand in Tondypandy country had no serious dealings. In 2010, a study by Madhusree Mukerjee with Churchill took place in 2010, so that the schätzungsweise two to three million information on the hunger problem in Bengal 1943 was valid for its breast.

Wolodymyr Selenskyj is the recipient of the International Churchill Society’s Winston Churchill Leadership Award, thanks to a Party video.Ukrainian presidential press/dpa

Is not Liegt as good as Churchills Erbe, dass nationalistisches et imperialistisches Denken noch immer nicht verschwunden sind? Do you not think that Brexit-Befürworter auf Churchill is required? Anders wrote: Where is Churchill: the Held of the Westerners or the colonialist Schurke?

The first time is 21. The time will be before this Frage diskutiert. The Lebzeiten war is very ambitious, both uncontrollable and opportunistic, and immersed twice in the Laufe within the Conservative Party, in opposition to the conservatives from the liberals and then further from the conservatives. The war of the first world is resolved for the Galipoli disaster, while the British navy must rely on an Osmanische Reich grass to seize the Galipoli region.

In the context of the World War era, the situation is broader and broader for Indian anti-appeasement measures and for the 1930s like Dauerquerulant mit seinem Anti-Apaasement-Kurs and überhaupt mit seinen in ihrer These are the words of the Radikalen Linken zu findenden Warnungen vor Hitler.

Unbeugsam gegen Hitler

Hitler’s final fall in Poland in 1939 was precisely the threat of Churchill’s warnings and gave them a helping hand for study policy. In May 1940 he became Prime Minister and put an end to the policy of appeasement, he also trotted the path to the future, from the Krieg, to the stars and the injustice of Hitler, and left the Grundstein for the myth of Churchill: a myth, der die westliche Welt bis heute begleitet.

Vom Zweiten Weltkrieg über den Kalten Krieg bis zum “Krieg gegen den Terror” steht Churchill seitdem überall of Pate, wos es darum geht, Stärke gegen einen tatsächlichen oder vermeintlichen Aggressor zu manifesten and die Freiheit kämpferisch zu verteidigen.

Ein Mythos, even zu LebzeitenKeystone/image

The myth of Churchill is in the spotlight, a myth erfolgreichen bei der Beit zusehen. When this happens, we have the Mythen keineswegs einfach Lügen oder Irrtümer sind, wie es ein verbreiteter Sprachgebrauch nahelegt. Myths are not “constructed” at all, but they are not part of everyday life. A myth is very far from being the only one who has a misconception of a sinnstiftende approach.

Damit er sich erfolgreich in an established Gesellschaft, muss zwar auch an seine factiche Richtigkeit geglaubt werden, die Faktizität ist jedoch sekundär gegenüber seiner Sinnstiftungsfunktion. When it comes to a frozen myth, a vital sin is an investment company getting rich, and so there is such an evolution.

Selbst Fidel Castro wages war on an anhänger

Das gelingt vor allem dann, wenn Mythen eben nicht einfach nur “constructed” et “von oben” oktroyiert sind, sondern wenn sie gleichsam “spontaneous” et “von unten” entstehen. The myth of Churchill appeared in this day because of the spontaneous myth, but it can have a fair idea of ​​the date, just in May and June 1940, as Churchill’s railway was inspired by British history .

Darauf is based on Kern’s account of the Churchill myth, which has the author: Churchill led Britain in 1940 and the free world against National Socialist tyranny. Dieser Kern mag aus Sicht der Geschichtswissenschaft so indifferenziert oder gar falsch sein, wie er will, seine Wirkung hängt davon nicht ab. Denn this story Kern brings a tatsächliches Erleben of the Kriegs Generation prägnant zum Ausdruck.

It is natural that this is also the “Macher” of the Churchill myth. Allen saw Churchill himself, but also the “Churchillians”, the motorists and multipliers, who developed the Churchill myth in the Second World War or in the propaganda of Auftragsarbeit. It is he who, in Kern’s story, has a story “Hülle” zu erschaffen, die aus Churchill un überlebensgroße, dabei aber sympa-nahbare Figur machte, and der all interesting and besonders schien: der Whiskey Trinkende, Zigarre rauchende, Merkwürdige Hüte tragende et das Victory-Zeichen machende, nor an einen kernigen Spruch verlegene Staatsmann bot einen enormous Wiederkennungswert et un hohes Identifikationspotenzial.

Mann mit Hut and Victory-ZeichenBD/dpa

This Churchill-Bild and the zugehörige Erzählung took part in the Anfang an den nationalen Rahmen et die politischen Lagergrenzen. The old überraschendste Anhanger of Churchill-Mythos War Fidel Castro, from the mid-1960s, a student verblüfften socialist erklärte, Churchill’s colonialism vollkommen unerheblich sei angelichts seiner grand Leistung, Hitler and fascism besieged zu haben. Suffice it to say that Castro fled, that Churchill’s man learned, like a small island, that he had created a great aggressor who attacked the Wehr Setzt.

Fehlbar and dadurch also sympathisch

The Antifaschismus and the Underdog-Motiv express themselves in such a way that Linken von Churchill becomes Churchills right Führungsstärke and the same anti-war patriotism. Interesting questions are Churchill’s Liberal Union, according to which the Churchill was once a candidate for self-service and twice the Western world following the catastrophe of Glauben’s First World War and the Fort Schritt zurückgegeben .

In the end, the liberal government of Churchill-Verehrer Christian Graf von Krockow seized the Auffassung, from Churchill the past for Democracy itself. Churchills Schwächen and Fehler are so elusive that they do not want to take on the construction of Churchill, like a totalitarian superhero construction project.

This argument written in 2014 by Boris Johnson, in Churchill’s biography, is written by “Winston” for all the children of an overview, like Churchill in the school, the schlechtes lessons were created, the efforts of their children do not did not occur with either depression or depression. hätten. Churchill wants a normal man, a man and a nice man, with this man in all his travels and can identify with him. With Churchill’s Peoples’ Speech, Johnson supported the wealth of heritage for a true variant of the Churchill myth, notably populism, the Churchill as a Peoples’ Vertreter created the ‘establishment’ in perspective. This Erzählung created Churchill in 1940 to create a corrupt political elite, because of the war, Frieden mit Hitler zu schließen, and half of these people were Volkswillen zur Geltung.

Ein gebrochenes Vorbild

This idea takes place in the context of the Brexit-Wahlkampf a big roll, and it is also close to the U-Bahn scene in the film “Darkest Hour” (2017), in the Churchill sich von der Normalbevölkerung in seiner unbeugsamen Haltung bestärken lässt und sich damn am Ende gegen die eigene Partei durchsetzt. The Brexit-Wahlkampf worries about Churchill’s “Remainers”, the most schließlich für die europäische Einigung sei, according to the populist version, is found in the Mythenkampf of a Churchill as younger.

A man found himself with the genius of Winston Churchill, which ended up in a statue within his statue in London.Jonathan Brady/dpa

The criticism of the Churchill myth is such that the Churchill myth itself is the one that is closest to us. The golden sowohl for the links with Criticism and Churchill as Feind der Arbeiterklasse and Vertreter un menschlichen Kolonialismus, as well as for the rechte Critique and Churchill, from 1940 of the Empire aufs Spiel gesetzt and is Ende verloren habe. Solche Critik ruft bis heute regelmäßig die nach wie vor gut vernetzten “Churchilliens” auf den Plan, die ihren Helden gegen the Vorwürfe vertidigen et the Kernnarration of Churchill-Mythos auf cese weise in kollektiven Gedächtnis present halten. The war is in the letzten Jahren im Zeichen du Postkolonialismus un deutliche Zunahme de Churchill-Kritik zu beobachten.

Ob cese den Churchill-Mythos an sein Ende broughten wird, bleibt aber abzuwarten. Update activities like those of the Brexit debate and the Russia-Ukraine crises take place within the framework of conflict resolution. It is indeed a question of liberal law, of Churchill who did not trot, of probing Makel and Sogar seiner Verbrechen für die demokratische “westliche” wet a geeignetes Vorbild abgibt, ain gebrochenes Vorbild nämlich, as is the case for a free democracy.

These downfalls were those of Churchill’s critique of anti-appeasement and the critique of imperialism and rassism of the core narrative of Churchill’s myth within the framework of a more rational international economy that could be addressed. The myth of Churchill was designed so that the leadership of the West would hold in the 20th century. The end of the Churchill myth was revealed when the Western leadership was left alone at the end of the end.

Benjamin Hasselhorn studied evangelical theology and Swiss University (2004-2008), at the Humboldt University of Berlin with work on the political theology of Wilhelm II. zum Dr. Theol. promoviert (2011) and at the University of Passau with work by the historian Johannes Haller zum Dr. phil. (2014). Since 2019, the Akademischer Rat has. Z. am Lehrstuhl für Neueste Geschichte der Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg, hat dort 2024 mit einer Arbeit über Geschichtsmythen under besonderer Berücksichtigung du Churchill-Mythos habilitiert.

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