
Bugatti-Träume is located in the Marc Vogels Gubsø garage in Denmark ganz real

Bugatti-Träume is located in the Marc Vogels Gubsø garage in Denmark ganz real

Verborgen auf dem dänischen Land nahe Aarhus liegt Gubsø Garage, die eine der faszinierendsten european Sammlungen and Werkstätten rund um Bugatti and Art Deco-Classic offenbart. We are suchten Gründer and Kurator Marc Vogel, to find out more about these Schatz zu erfahren.

For a woman, our photographer Rémi Dargegen from Gubsø garage, Denmark, carried out a study which produced an original Bugatti Type 59 for enthusiasts. An offense! Zum Glück aben wir ce ungemein aufschlussreiche Ausfahrt auf Video festgehalten. During a Hot Laps of the Rennstrecke and an ausführlichen Tour durch die Sammlung wie auch der Restaurationswerkstatt, que Rémi avec Marc Vogel zusammengesetzt, damit un ceser dänische Enthusiast von seiner Kollektion, seiner Passion nicht nur pour Bugatti, sondern auch für die schönsten Automobile der Welt erzählt.

Marc, was Ihre früheste Erinnerung an automobile? Older children or young people?

So like I did, I can have a delivery guy on other cars. The last Automagazin test, which interests me, dates back to 1982. I lost the war in another day – my Leidenschaft got to work.

Welches war Your first classic car?

The war of a Porsche 912 during the year 1967, and I killed it, like me, 17 wars! I have to go tonight!

Your assortment has been brought to you by Bugatti Wesentlichen. Why isn’t the Leidenschaft obsessed with this sondergleichen brand?

It started, in 1989, with Hugh Conway’s Bugatti-Buch. Ich war damals 16 et von Anfang bis Ende fasciniert von Ettore Bugattis Lebensgeschichte. It is a bigger entrepreneur and a set of manual and quality activities for profit.

How and do you want your first Bugatti to exist?

The war took place in January 2012. I found a Bugatti Type 40 with Gangloff-Karosserie to buy – a beautiful car. I have to say that this month has been checked, but I have nothing more to do. When a single car-Bugatti cylinder comes into contact, it fails and the second car cylinder engages.

Were your criteria intended for automobiles and automotive professionals?

A long time allowed me to quickly see Bugatti, der angeboten wurde, gesichert. In those two years, I realized that there weren’t more cars than me looking to buy. I had to afford to go or go to Bugatti for me I had to last year.

Summiert man die genutzten Autos et jene, die restauriert werden: Wie viele Bugatti besitzen Sie actuell?

I have three Bugattis that have worked in restoration: a Type 43, a Type 54 and a Type 57. I had a Bugatti. It’s insgesamt zwölf!

I offer you another car, such as a Maserati A6 GCS Berlinetta Pininfarina-Replik en atemberaubende, a Cisitalia, a Delage and a Delahaye. Was this the car for you?

Manchmal erliege ich einem schönen Auto zusammen mit seiner Historie et seiner Performance. I think all my Schönheit cars are so good – it’s my thing.

Your sampling is one, which is found in a deeper perspective in the current research. You often drive your rally and rental cars – for all Bugatti clubs – and you sell cars through your partner with Century Limited. Which Besitz philosophy is best?

I think it’s when my cars are awesome – from my own friend, my friends or my factory crew. I’m in a new place, new things to do. I am not in a product line, I am working with Century Limited for a single rental vehicle. Then you can see the Sammlung weiterentwickeln.

The music group in your Bugatti is an old one. It belongs to a Brescia from a Type 59, from a Type 37 to a Type 57C Stelvio – also from its original models, from Motorsport to Luxury. If this old type is different, what is the Philosophy inside the Model, what era is it?

Yes, I have the Abwechslung and the Variationen. But 2 cars should be noted: Ein Brescia schenkt ein ähnliches, nicht allzu unterschiedliches Fahrerlebnis vis-à-vis a späteren Type 57C.

When a man has such a rich sample, he falls on the tap. Trotzdem: When you are not an example for yourself, then?

A single page that led me to go into the Porsche 912 car. My liaison car for enthusiasts is still in the Bugatti Type 51.

Is there a car that immerses you in a journey?

This is a car that scares me. I think I was the first Lamborghini Miura purchased.

How do you want to respond?

I find, Repliken sind in Ordnung – die Begeisterung beim Fahren ist genauso, als wäre es das Original. It’s actually a car maintenance company, which can’t get by if it doesn’t exist too much. So for a long time these cars were amazed and had no problem, and others in the world must have given me a problem. I continue to share this great passion that it has been able to survive, desto besser.

Gubsø Garage is not a small car shop, but it is also a factory, in which all these cars work together with restorers. Erzählen Sie uns more dazu!

I go to a place, der umfassend das Sammeln von klassischen Autos bedient, nicht nur Erhaltung, sondern auch Restaurierung, das Herstellen von Teilen, etc. We also had this special yesterday 2021 for these two manufacturing stands. This is a huge service, fast and complete in-house, ready to be settled like so much pflegen and war.

Sie stellen außerdem selbst Teile her, de large tents Motorcomponenten für die Sie un besonders anspruchsvolle Maschine einsetzen. Dürfen wir daraus schließen, as Gubsø Garage der Ort est, un article Tradition auf Moderne et High-Tech? Do you have these new items for your car or vehicle?

It is a mitunter schwierig, an excellent Ersatzteile zu kommen, which also has ideas, so that jene Teile zu produzieren or auch Teile, which is in our Herstellung verbessern können. If you don’t know what to do with one, you’ll find out about a Bugatti-Besitzer weltweit verkauft. Wir haben diesen Service bisher einfach nicht sonderlich stark vermarktet.

If you have a Bugatti-Werkbänke, Schraubstöcke and Zwingen nachgebildet – zunächst for Ihre eigene Werkstatt, damit sich this Arbeiten im originalgetreuen Stil geschehen. Verkaufen Sie this too?

Yes, we sell Bugatti-Zwingen and -Stöcke, Werkbänke sowie Scharniere. You can also find out which versions of the Bugatti, Kolben, Anlassereinheiten and so on.

Was this if the new Schritte bei Gubsø Garage? How do you want to know more workouts for?

I think we are stronger, as we have done. Restored and repaired cars – and so old men still have little to do with our Leidenschaft anstecken.

And for the abschluss: do you see if you are a classic pilot?

But yes, aus vollem Herzen.

Photos: Rémi Dargegen © 2024