
The Börsen-Tag: Inflation in the eurozone is on the rise

The Börsen-Tag: Inflation in the eurozone is on the rise

The Börsen-Tag
Inflation in the Eurozone is rising

(Photo: Sina Schuldt/dpa)

THE Printing in the Eurozone hat I am November zugenommen. Die current inflation rate Stieg auf 2.3 (Vormonat: 2.0) Prozent, wie die Statistikbehörde Eurostat in a ersten Meldung mitteilte. Volkswirte has a reported rate of 2.3 percent. The EZB has an average inflation rate of two percent. The caregiver Kernteuerungthe unsatisfactory price is also stagnant in November. The Kernrate is now under the economy and wealth growth for inflation trend.

“The base effect is on the inflation rate, the anticipation is also not Wildes,” said Alexander Krüger, managing director of the private bank Hauck Aufhäuser Lampe: “So that the inflation rate between 2.0 and 2.5 percent, inflation will not last quite I am in the Lot This is how the EZB decided to launch in December. Lohnwachstums is a small Zinsschritt close to a larger restrictive policy with the EZB Anfang 2025. dürften US-Zollerhöhungen die EZB ab dem Frühjahr von Leitzinssenkungen abhalten.”