
So prouder Bruce Willis and Co. 2024

So prouder Bruce Willis and Co. 2024

Jeden vierten Donnerstag next November for the American-American Thanksgiving. Traditionell gehören ein üppig gedeckter Esstisch genauso zur Tradition wie überfüllte Flughäfen and Straßen. All those who live in the state live in the lives of their families, and they are the same as their parents.

Auch die Stars and Sternchen feierten 2024 will be the American version of the Erntedankfestes. Doch nicht bei allen blieb es besinnlich und ruhig.

Bruce Willis is the ‘best father ever’

Im Hause Willis has a same Feiertage who has an interesting job. Specialist Bruce Willis (69) has a day in Demenz and is aware of the offensive. Selten see and hört man noch etwas vom “Stirb langsam” -Star. The poster is posted with both Scout (33) and Tallulah (30) two images at the same time with your Vater. In the hand, Willis dabei ein Schild mit der Aufschrift “Best Dad ever”, also “Bester Vater aller Zeiten”. Zu den Bildern schrieben Scout et Tallulah lediglich ein Wort: “Dankbar”.

Big Thanksgiving celebration in New York

Deutlich more krachen ließ es Sängerin Kylie Minogue. Australia is present in the Thanksgiving parade in New York, as part of regeneration. “Happy Thanksgiving. Macys, this war is awesome!! Welcher Regeneration ????! We will see our next year auf Tour”, he said on the 56th day on Instagram. On February 15, Minogue arrives with his “Tensions Tour” around the world. He started in his country of Australia, in the he summer in Europe – a little later in Berlin (June 16), Zurich (July 6) and Stuttgart (July 9).

Kylie Minogue naturally didn’t have her only star in 98. Thanksgiving Parade in New York. Viele weitere Prominente mischten sich unter the more als trois Millionen Zuseherinnen et Zuseher. He came with war anchor Jimmy Fallon, television host, to NBC’s studio 6B at Rockefeller Center as part of the “Tonight Show” sending a message to his Stargästen for help. Singers Joey MacIntyre, Bishop Briggs, Billy Porter, Idina Menzel, Dasha and Rachel Platten love that the party in the Big Apple is not happening. The best images:

More for Wilson, Weihnachsmann by Roberts, Plädoyer von McConaughey

Schauspielerin Rebel Wilson (44) – like Minogue is from Australia – is no longer traditional for Thanksgiving. Vielmehr genosse sie gemeinsam mit herer Ehefrau Ramona Agruma, ihrer Tochter Royce Lillian (2) et weiteren familymitgliedern die Zeit am Meer.

Hollywood star Emma Roberts (33) is present in the film Weihnachtsstimmung, as in her Instagram story to see it. I gathered them with my brother Cade Hudson and the Weihnachtsmann – naturally not really – for Thanksgiving brunch.

© Emma Roberts (Instagram screenshot)

Professor Matthew McConaughey appeared in an Instagram video for a minute, with the idea of ​​Thanksgiving being a work in progress and not having that special tag. “Will, when we are more effective, on the occasion of Thanksgiving, we will be the best for the men here at the feast?”, Fragment of the 55th day. “When we are all a little more than one person walking away, with one of our people sitting down – this is the way, like a revolution beginning,” we will let it be known.

Kamala Harris Welcomes Thanksgiving Day for Thanksgiving Day

US Vice President Kamala Harris is expected at the Guten Sache service for Thanksgiving. All of her great Leela Ajagu and her families are half in DC Central Kitchen in the main city of Washington DC and in Essen for guest rooms.

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