
Round 8 DLC release complete

Round 8 DLC release complete

The action role-playing game “Lies of P” is a creation. Do you want to collect the DLC? The future player of round 8 has a prediction.

Das 2023 veröffentlichte “P’s Lies” You can find a credible game in the genre of the title Soulslike aufschwingen. The Metascore is at a level of 80, user scores are now a little outdated.

Old games are played nach new inhalten. And the download is longest available. Do you want to launch the DLC?

Lies of P erhält mehr Inhalte – DLC-Zeitraum eingegrenzt

Das Entwicklerstudio Round 8 was the best, the DLC of the first quarter 2025 will have arrived, berichtet unterem Power supply. Während Details zur Erweiterung bisher rar sind, the deputy game director Jiwon Choi schon vor deux Monaten an, the Team daran arbeitet, sowohl die Stärken des Hauptspiels auszubauen als auch Schwachstellen zu beheben.

“For the DLC of Lies of P and the Fortsetzung wollen wir das, wasr gut gemacht haben, verbessern et uns in den Bereichen verbessern, in denen wir noch Raum für Verbesserungen haben,” Choi said.

Begleitet wurde seine Botschaft damals von einem Bild:

“Lies of P” features gameplay based on moral principles. Progressive quests and a variable story unfold from here on out, as players have developed their research and jump into the game. This mechanic should ensure that it is easy to use and operate .

With a dark atmosphere and experience, the Pinocchio novel took inspiration from the title and gave a brief answer to its story. Is this the new brand of science fiction, is this happening in adventure?

P günstiger’s lies in PSN sales

Interested players have time to have fun, the main game strives to work. The standard edition of “Lies of P” is until December 3, 2024 on PlayStation Store for 35.99 euros Regular prices are 59.99 euros, which represents a 40 percent discount.

“Lies of P” was released on September 18, 2023 for PS5, PS4, Xbox Series X/S, Xbox One and PC and a game with a hard PSN response of 4.69 out of 5 took place.

More on P’s lies:

Darüber hinaus est “Lies of P” eines der Spiele, das die Leistungsfähigkeit der PlayStation 5 Pro nutzenuh auf der Console at 800 euros Better performance and image quality for the business. Player berichten von einer “gestochen scharfen Grafik”.

More information on P’s lies.

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