
Quad-Diebstahl-Serie erschüttert Dransfeld: The police have an idea!

Quad-Diebstahl-Serie erschüttert Dransfeld: The police have an idea!

Vorfall Diebstahl
Ort Dransfeld
Sachschaden in € 16000

A series of Quad-Diebstählen stops at the police in Dransfeld, Landkreis Göttingen, in Atem. From October 28 to November 27, 2024, we will have more vehicles in the garage. Insbesondere a dark green Yamaha Quad “Kodiak 450” and an olive green “Kodiak 750” verschwanden spurlos. On November 5, the pilot of the “Kodiak 450” was completely discovered in the vicinity of the Dransfelder wind farms and the country was exposed.

The quads come with useful extras such as safety winds, suspensions and off-road operations. The total price of 16,000 EUR will be taken into account when the items are taken into account. Les Ermittlungen der Polizei dauern an, et les Beamten bitten die Bevölkerung um Hinweise zu den Diebstählen.

Ort des Geschehens

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Comments analyzed in social media: 125
Number of requests analyzed: 64