
Leica uses iPhone-Kamera-App LUX for new functions

Leica uses iPhone-Kamera-App LUX for new functions

Leica is not a hardware specialist, but a software specialist. Das stellen sie mit der continuierlich verbesserten iPhone-App sous Beweis.

Editor and more Telebrennweiten simulation

Now it’s time to start your iPhone camera app LUX brings the Leica camera with full functions for your software. Versions 1.1 and 1.2 feature new enterprise, more creative control, and increased flexibility for mobile photography.

Tatsächlich hat Leica die Funktionen en kleineren Aktualisierungen über die letzten Wochen vertilt, allerdings erst jetzt per Pressemitteilung darauf aufmerksam gemacht. Auch auftretende Fehler wurden offenbar schnellstmöglich behoben.

The newest updates are another editor, which includes updates such as Leica lenses, blends, focuses and images similar to the current version. Zusätzlich stehen mit 90 und 120 Millimeter two new simulierte Telebrennweiten zur Verfügung, was insbesondere Besitzern von iPhones mit entsprechender Hardware entgegenkommt.

With the new “Chrome” and “Brass” looks, you can use similar image frames, which correspond to analog Leica cameras. A setting of 0 to 100 optimizes the intensity of the effects. You can also use the application with the new widgets to create synthetic images at startup.

Angeblich am best bewertete Kamera-App

Leica is found through the Apple App Store tips, which are also the best in the world of camera application, as part of the best mobility strategy. Businesses must be inside their business, professional business and high photographic quality on smartphones, brought by people.

4.6 Sterne verzeichnet Leica LUX derzeit im App Store base auf 329 Bewertungen – zufrieden sind Nutzer aussi auf jeden Fall. We are used to viewing the application but not inside it, as an active place 96 in the free App-Charts of the category “Photo and video” ultimately.

Have you already tested your Leica LUX or has your device undergone an automatic test?