
Larusta & The Dead Dogs unveil debut album “The life you save can be yours” » TONSPION

Larusta & The Dead Dogs unveil debut album “The life you save can be yours” » TONSPION

Influenced by Nick Cave, Leonard Cohen and their respective authors, “The Life You Save May Be Your Own” is a complete herbal album.

Larusta & The Dead Dogs, the project of musicians and songwriters Jan Knandel, presents “The Life You Save May Be Your Own” in a debut album, which can be found below the top of the page. The assortment of songs includes compositions consisting of abgründe and dark wave male tracks, alternative rock and southern gothic. Dröhnende guitar riffs, unique cello passages and dramatic piano strings, hypnotic percussion, create a unique musical landscape.

“Beim Schreiben geht es mir darum, zeitlose Geschichten zu erzählen,” says Larusta. Die Songs durchlaufen die fünf Phasen der Trauer – von Verleugnung über Zorn bis hin zu Depression et Akzeptanz. This Auseinandersetzung mit Verlust und Schmerz zieht sich wie ein roter Faden durch das Werk et verleiht ihm eine rohe, authentic Note. The literary connection of the text reflects the connections of Knandels zur Prosa von Autoren like Flannery O’Connor more broadly.

The title track “The Life You Save Can Be Your Own” ends in a driving volume crescendo, from the song to seinen Bann zieht. Geschrieben in the days of the first confinements, the song lost its isolation for a time. More details on the albums are “King of Your Fall”, a kraftvolle article about the inner camp and the truth about reading, and “Who Cares When You’re Not There”, reading and the precise idea of interpretation.

Jan Knandel, aufgewachsen zwischen Prag und Heilbronn, fand in London seine creative Heimat. “In Germany I often have to express myself, I’m a good musician. In London, men are particularly interested, they must have known that,” he reflected. This offering is particularly interesting, but it is also described as “Dark Lyrical Alternative”.

“The life you save can be your own” is an introduction, sich den eigenen Dämonen zu stellen et aus der Dunkelheit Hoffnung zu schöpfen. “Der einzige Weg, Schmerz zu überwinden, ist, ihn zu durchlaufen,” says Larusta. This album is not a reflection on experience and understanding, but it is also a work for the action of people in all their facets.

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