
Bose QuietComfort Ultra at 269 euros: a new best price?

Bose QuietComfort Ultra at 269 euros: a new best price?

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Best price for Saturn? So it’s great to talk to the Bose-Kopfhörer noch nie

Bose’s over-ear headphones are quickly reduced to half. We’re going to check the Angebot.


Saturn reduces the Bose-Kopfhörer to a price of 230 euros. What if the Angebot?

Next November 29 we will have Black Friday, the Media Markt and Saturn will also be at the heart of Black Month and will have one or more events for each of us in the online store. Time near Saturn in the robot is the Bose QuietComfort Ultra headphones with noise cancellation for 269 euros. Is this what you’re looking for or is it your lieber noch die deux wochen bis zum Black Friday warten? We will carry out the Deal-Check.

Bose-Kopfhörer zum Bestpreis bei Saturn: Was kann das Teil?

The Bose* QuietComfort Ultra-Kopfhörer headphones operate from a Active noise cancellationdas jegliche Nebengeräusche efficacious herausfiltern soll, and die CustomTune technologymit der das Klangergebnis an die individual Form eurer Ohren angepasst wird, so der Hersteller. THE The Kopfbügel is gepolstert and soll therefore den Druck gleichmäßig vertilen. Pour l’Instellung der Lautstärke gibt es an der rechten Ohrmuschel un petit Touch-Fläche, die ihr durch un petit Erhebung gut ertasten könnt. Sehr praktisch: Ihr könnt den Kopfhörer zusammenfalten and therefore einfach im Rucksack or Reisegepäck verstauen.

One of the specifications of the QuietComfort Ultra is that Head tracking: Dabei erfasst der Kopfhörer die Position eures Kopfes zum Abspielgerät et passt den Sound dementsprechend an. In this case: You can listen to the music on your smartphone, start playing Music, and find out if there are links you don’t have to worry about, you can listen to your music on the other side.

Laut Testergebnissen von ComputerBild, Netzwelt et soll der Bose-Kopfhörer inbesondere through Noise Canceling et un ausgewogenen Klang überzeugen. Abzüge bekommt er für die etwas geringe Akkulaufzeit. Bei ComputerBild erhält er die Note 1.9 (intestine), bei 1.5 (intestine). Allein bei Amazon soll sich the QuietComfort Ultra im letzten Monat more als 1,000 Mal verkauft haben.

  • Color : Schwarz, Weiss

  • Usage time: up to 24 hours

  • Specific temperature: Head-Tracking, active noise cancellation, CustomTune uvm technology

Note: The price is volatile and the manager spends some time auch the Unverbindliche Preisempfehlung (UVP) an. Sollten sich die Preise von den hier angegebenen unterscheiden, haben die Händler sie nach Veröffentlichung des Articles geändert.

Our Deal-Einschätzung solution: The QuietComfort-Ultra-Kopfhörer is available for Saturn at a quick price of 500 euros (UVP) to 269 euros. I separate you from this Angebot 46 Prozent and sichert Euch Den Absolute best price – Gunstiger gab es den Kopfhörer noch nie. Amazon and Media Markt offer a reasonable price, but they cost up to 30 euros more. Note: Please note that the price of 269 Euro for QuietComfort Ultra does not include the Models on the Mark, the Ausstattung, Qualität and Functions above the Price. The camera case is available as a standard version for a preview of Apple AirPods Max on an object, which costs more than 200 euros.

Alternative alternative: Sony-Kopfhörer WH-1000XM4

Priced at 269 euros for a digital camera, you can also use the Sony WH-1000XM4* alternative. Also this model has been tested and tested by Chip, and ComputerBild with einem more Noise cancellation and a His tollen. The Kopfbügel is gepolstert and your device connects to the XM4 zusammenklappen and im mitgelieferten Reise-Etui verstauen. Bei Chip contains the Sony Bluetooth player on the Note 1.3 (see below) and is in the place of the three best Bluetooth players on the market – and also ComputerBild finds: The XM4 is one of the best Bluetooth players on the market.

The Sony speaker is active in the media market with the robot for 189 euros. Please here 50 percent in the Vergleich zur UVP. This is the time when the best price is on the net – other online stores offer the baby items store during the run.

  • Color : Black, Silver, Blue

  • Usage time: up to 30 hours

  • Specific temperature: Noise cancellation, talk to chat, 360 Reality Audio uvm

Reading advice: Media Markt and Saturn start in the dark month – these offers are waiting for you soon


Empfehlungen our partner

Bose headphones on the Saturn: Is it over or is it about Black Friday?

It’s so obvious that they will pounce on the angel of Saturn. Laut Vergleichsportal Idealo talks about the Bose-Kopfhörer noch nie günstiger. You can naturally have a better purchase on Black Friday, but online stores still have discounted prices, but this is not the case. If Bose’s QuietComfort Ultra helps, find the Sony WH-1000XM4 an alternative with good testers and quality performance and features.

*We work in this business with affiliate links. When you find these links in a purchased product, we will provide you with an offer. For each of them you will have additional costs. We want and want a purchased product, but naturally euch überlassen.