
Find out more about the discounter

Find out more about the discounter

Riesa. That is why the Nancy Riedel Market started its activity in the new action market of the town of Riesaer Weida. Schon vor der öffnung reichte die Schlange der new Kunden über den Parkplatz hinweg 50 Meter weit bis zur angrenzenden Segouer Straße. Die 30 Einkaufswagen waren schon vor neun Uhr alle vergriffen. Und bei strahlendem Sonnenschein spielte auch der Wettergott mit.

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Auch Steffi Mau, the area manager of the action for the East German sector, told Riesa and her work colleagues: “Schon im Vorfeld has more than 1000 men in the Internet for its interests and its new needs.” until 8 p.m. wherever Les Pforten der Action-Filiale durchschritten haben, um sich auf 766 Quadratmetern auf Schnäppchen-Jagd zu begeben.

Old Bewegung on Parkplatz. Before arrival, head towards the Kundenschlange canal and 50 meters away – to Segouer Straße.

Jede Woche 150 new items

A big plus for traders in the town of Elbe: fans of the action market in Meißen can find themselves in Zukunft. So as for Anja Köhler, I am under another 1.80 meter above a goods transport truck. “I am my friend, the action here aufmacht”, says the Riesaerin, who also aufgrund der günstigen Preise gerne bei this “Non-Food-Discounter” – with the action seine Filialen nennt – einkaufen geht.

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First of all, I went to pick up Köhler from other markets in the town of Elba for some ausschau gehalten sunbathing. A similar product was purchased, but “the size of 80 euros at the highest price” it turned out and cost more than 23 euros per share. If you wear it, you’ll get some nuts, so you’ll be allergic to it. “Wenn weg, dann weg,” said area manager Steffi Mau.

The product philosophy of the non-food discounters is expressed in the hinterland of Heiko Großner, der Geschäftsführer von Action Deutschland: “For uns steht das Einkaufserlebnis unserer Kundinnen et Kunden im Vordergrund. Wir bieten ein überraschendes, abwechslungsreiches Sortiment et überzeugen mit äußerst niedrigen Prices.“

And I’m a big player at the new Riesaer Action-Markt.

Two products from Riesaer Filiale’s more than 6,000 products in 14 categories are of the same quality. This country has over 150 new items in the Regalen – with premium marks that are listed as brand names. “Der Standort ist zudem sehr gut erreichbar and zeichnet sich durch die zentrale Lage aus.” And is just one of more than 550 subsidiaries in Germany. Action hat allerdings also Märkte in zwölf anderen europäischen Ländern am Start.

Large bags are included

And was the Kunden, die am Samstag zu Action in Riesa gekommen sind? Ellen Dietrich is now in the fall of the new subsidiary. “I found a good stand here in Weida – and of course it’s the freest,” says the young woman at the new Kilometer station in Stauchitz. “We are also badly nach Elsterwerda zu Action gefahren. » Leonie Leipert aus Strehla hatte am Samstag under anderem a 100er-Pack Christbaumkugeln in your large Einkaufskorb gepackt. “I know Action in Dresden, I was informed by the app and by myself about the help in Riesa.”

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Riesaer Christian Nitzsche waged war against the Schnäppchenjagd and said: “The own market is here the smallest for action. Meißen’s mind is so crude. And I’m in the center of Riesa and I’m at a market in Lieber Gewesen’s hometown.

The Action Big Shopper Bag is considered a people pleaser – and it’s free for them.

Leonie Jayte, who died in Riesaer Alleestraße, is with the Lage von Action in Weida dagegen durchaus zufrieden. “It’s for me that it’s not so strong and I can have the guts with an Einkauf bei Netto verbinden”, meinte Jayte, who is always auf der Suche nach schöner Weihnachtsdeko war and responds to Wreesmann or Tedi eingekauft hat.

Glücklich war die Kundschaft am Samstag even today on others. “Our Big Shopper Action is sure of us,” says area manager Steffi Mau, who takes care of business with large plastic bags rich in automotive products. And the Big Shopper-Taschen gab es Samstag zur Eröffnung in Riesa geschenkt.
