
Einfacher Zugang zu Künstlicher Intelligenz

Einfacher Zugang zu Künstlicher Intelligenz

This image in large format (openPR) The Federal Ministry of Photography and Research (BMBF) takes care of free time and free of charge.

In the old Wirtschaftsbereichen verspricht der Einsatz von Künstlicher Intelligenz (KI) means Wettbewerbsvorteile, etwa Effizienzsteigerungen, Kostensenkungen ou l’Entwicklung neuer Produkte und Dienstleistungen. Jedoch nutzen laut einer Study des Digitalverbands Bitkom aus dem Jahr 2023 erst 15 Prozent der kleinen und mittleren Unternehmen (KMU) in Deutschland KI, weitere 31 Prozent planen den Einsatz. Hilfestellung für Wirtschaft und Wissenschaft bieten renamierte Forschungseinrichtungen aus Nordrhein-Westfalen im KI-Servicezentrum WestAI an. Dies ermöglicht beispielsweise einen niedrigschwelligen Zugang zu leistungsstarken KI-Rechenressourcen.

General search files for KI projects

“For any idea for a KI project, I have used the KI hardware or installation in a given environment, and this is our rich study partner,” said Professor Matthias Müller, regional head of hardware at WestAI and Director of the IT Centers of RWTH Aachen. For broader training, KI models are interesting – with or without further support from WestAI – within the university training center of RWTH Aachen and the research center in Juliers. “Damit stellen wir Unternehmen und Forschenden KI-Infrastruktur zur fügung, die sonst nur Großkonzernen vorbehalten ist. We recommend finding a relatively simple JupyterHub-Oberfläche also KI-Neulinge with the working system,” said Müller. The Pro project requires up to 10,000 GPU hours waiting to be completed.

You are very interested in the search time for KI hardware on the KI Service Centers website in the following sections. The start-ups are very small and there are mid-sized companies supporting WestAI and people working within the investment strategy. “To understand the potential of KI and ensure its understanding of sourcing ideas and its use, have our specialists take care of a teaching company with our KI experts listening to your needs “, said Dr. Stefan Kesselheim, director of KI. Beratung near WestAI and Forschungszentrum Jülich. Vielversprechende Ideen könnten im Rahmen einer Forschungskooperation gemeinsam zu passgenauen KI-Lösungen weiterentwickelt werden.

Efficiency and nachhaltigere large KI models

The University of Bonn launched science and science studies in the WestAI project for KI, which enabled automated analysis of big data, computer vision and cognitive robotics. Neben dem Zugang zu KI-Hardware, la Beratung et l’entwicklung individualr KI-Anwendungen können Unternehmen and Forschende auf andere Weise von der KI-Expertise der KI-Expertise der WestAI-Projektpartner profitieren, indem Forschende unter Federführung der Universität Bonn ihr Know-how zum Beispiel in Schulungen zur Verfügung stellen.

“In our research set specific to the multimodal KI system, the following text and other data such as audio, image, 3D and sensor data are available. “Das erhöht das Potenzial von KI-Anwendungen erheblich,” said Prof. A bigger point about transfers, with the KI model vortrainierte mit nur wenigen Trainingsdaten auf bestimmte Anwendungsszenarien angepasst werden. While one of our KI service centers, the Federal Ministry of Photography and Research can make WestAI part of its distribution services free of charge until the end of 2022. This is the KI-Forschung in Germany before the transference and the transference in the praxis zu fördern.

Uber West AI

WestAI is one of the leading KI service centers in Germany and has many start-ups, as well as small research companies and companies specializing in a wide spectrum of KI services and: from management and schools, from the KI research resource source, the company KI-Lösun. gén bis involves testing multimodal and generative models of KI within its own research. Gefördert wird the Angebot vom Bundesministerium for Bildung and Forschung. As part of the Leitung of the University of Bonn, the KI-Servicezentrum WestAI has become a consortium within excellent Wissenschaftseinrichtungen Nordrhein-Westfalens. This will allow us to complete the facilities within the KI Development Agency, a new training model and an effective multimodal KI model for Germany for entry into force. The University of Bonn offers extensive consortium research: Fraunhofer-Institut für Intelligente Analyse- und Informationsysteme IAIS, Fraunhofer-Institut für Angewandte Informationstechnik FIT, Fraunhofer-Institut für Algorithmen und Wissenschaftliches Rechnen SCAI, Forschungszentrum Jülich, Rheinisch-Westfälische Technische École (RWTH) Aachen, Technische Universität (TU) Dortmund, Universität Paderborn. Other non-WestAI KI Service Centers are WestAI and the AI ​​Service Center Hesse, as well as the KI Service Center for Sensitive and Critical Infrastructure (KISSKI), as well as the KI Service Center Berlin-Brandenburg and the Institute Hasso-Plattner.

Wissenschaftliche Ansprech partner:
KI-Service center WestAI
Daria Tomala
Press and Öffentlichkeitsarbeit
University of Bonn
Such. +49 228 73 69308