
Rechte-Hammer! Bundesliga Conference has nothing more on Sky

Rechte-Hammer! Bundesliga Conference has nothing more on Sky

Munich – Sky Times at the same time for information from the German Press Agency about the season without more information about the games of the Football Bundesliga. The free Internet sports sender DAZN makes sure to receive the package with the right of the conference conference, that of a Sky company. Also the Rechte für die 79 Sonntags-Spiele (Paket D) are sent by DAZN.

Sky zeigt Partien am Freitagabend

Sky is also present in two announcements of the right-hand TV auction of package B. The pay-TV transmitter is also available for live broadcasts of the Football Bundesliga on Saturdays at 3.30 p.m. and on Friday evenings during the party relegations. Sky presented itself in front of the Deutschen Fußball Liga (DFL) with package C at the Saturday party at 6:30 p.m. and with the Supercup.

It’s the small package with 34 games, thanks to the Top-Spiele that was created. The “Bild”-Zeitung contains additional information. Die DFL and Sky will not get out of this, of course like DAZN. Officiel sollen die Ergebnisse der Auktion am Donnerstag nach der DFL-Mitgliederversammlung verkündet werden.

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Pay TV games are perfect for Bundesliga players

Seit Montag versteigert die DFL die TV-Rechte der Fußball-Bundesliga, in the ersten Woche ging es vor german un die Pay-TV-Spiele, die den mit Abstand grand Teil der Einnahmen der Bundesliga ausmachen. The DFL-Angebot has integrated 15 TV packages for matches from 2025/26 to 2028/29, jewels and the most important sender and media providers are ready to be.

This is the second response to the auction, which is to take place on April 1 in an abgebrochen label. To the long line of the DFL and Internet senders DAZN, a bank of the office of company B with 196 live programs broadcast by the Deutsche Institution für Schiedsgerichtsbarkeit (DIS): the mails are sent to the pay TV sender Sky is unwirksam. But also DAZN cannot do it. Das DIS-Urteil: Die Auktion starts von vorne.

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Was he with the ARD-“Sportschau”?

In both auction sessions, three bundles of free TV packages are available. The DFL-Angebot for Samstag participation fees includes a complete breakdown, for all ARDs with their “Sportschau” under Druck setzt. Package I comes in two variants, the Kompakt and the Klassik heißen.

Please note that the hours of operation are free to operate at Saturday 9:15 p.m. and 8:15 p.m. Payment can be made indirectly by the sports financing company, in exchange for a rental service. The Model Class will be available from 6:00 p.m. If you have the “Sportschau” in the bisherigen Form erhalten. A Kurdish version from 7:15 p.m. will be available so that the ARD has no intrusion, it is in the shipping agencies. At 8:00 p.m. departure from the ARD to the “Tagesschau”.

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