
700 Euro Preisnachlass: Anker reduziert dans Spitzenmodell deutlich

700 Euro Preisnachlass: Anker reduziert dans Spitzenmodell deutlich

(Anker / Mid-journey)I believe the Leistung eines Balkonkraftwerks, deto more Strom cann es auch im Herbst und Winter noch produzieren.

We participated in the Black Week in a period and received the Premium-Balkonkraftwerks deutlich factory awards. The set with four basic solar modules costs 1,599 euros – or 700 euros for the regular price. With an investment potential of up to 902 euros amortized if the investment is up to date.

For the links, with “Zum Anbieter” or “Zum Shop” are already in use, but they are not included. a provision.

Anker hat schon lange echte Highlights in seinem Sortiment an Balkonkraftwerken. I took advantage of Black Week for the American seller to have a set with Solarbank 2 E1600 Pro and four 500 peak watt solar modules for an affordable price. For the innovative Speicher samt Wechselrichter and den Solar modules so that all the cables are not included in the current situation 1,599 euros. Legt man a durchschnittlich erreichbare Einsparung von 600 Euro zugrunde, würde sich das Komplett-Set bereits after 2.5 years of rental.

Insgesamt provides the system with a power of 2000 peak watts. Laut Anker können die Module up to 2,324 kW of power during the production year and there was a congress on December 23. The price has a capacity of 1.6 kilowatts and consumption up to 15 years. The halters for the module are not fully used and are not used separately, which will cost Anker 100 euros.

Balkonkraftwerk near Anker ansehen

Technical details of Angebots

  • Typename of Solarmoduls: 500 watt PERC solar module
  • Name of the Wechselrichters type: Solar Bank 2 E1600 Pro
  • Type name of Speichers: Solar Bank 2 E1600 Pro
  • Learn Wattpeak a module: 500 Wc
  • Note on module: 4
  • Description of the Sets: 2000 Wc
  • Description of the speakers: 1.6 kWh

The Anker Solarbank 2 E1600 Pro system offers high configuration and an integrated reader. It’s umfasst vier State-of-the-art 500-watt solar module with PERC technology and a working day on December 23. The module has a large size 228 x 113 x 3 cm and it should last longer than ever before. The price has a capacity of 1.6 kilowatts and a weight from January 15 to 15.

An overview of the systems is that of the MPP-Tracker, which allows flexible connection of the module. You can therefore create the module in Osten, Süden and Westen, by creating a Strom Tag to produce it. A Notstrom-Steckdose Ermöglicht zudem die Versorgung von petit und mittelgroßen Verbrauchern mit bis zu 1000 Watt bei einem Stromausfall.

Finanziell kann sich die Anschaffung ebenfalls lohnen: Laut Hersteller können bis zu 902 Euro for one month and cost price. A realistic price is between 600 and 700 euros per month. The payback time of the systems lasts 2.5 years.

Im Lieferumfang enthalten sind a 5-Meter-Schuko-Anschlusskabel, acht 3-Meter-Solarkabel et un Zubehörset. The supports for the module are separate and cost almost 100 euros. The manufacturer has a 25-year warranty 84.8 days from delivery.

Balkonkraftwerk near Anker ansehen

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The Anker balcony plant offers a peak power of 2,000 watts and consumption with a capacity of 1.6 kilowatts. The MPP-Tracker is a flexible connection for the solar module and a complete power generation installation is possible. One dose of notstrom-steckdose gets nuts into feed. The module is larger than the standard module, but it is designed to achieve greater efficiency. Halterungen müssen separat erworben werden, was zusätzliche Kosten verursacht.

500 watt panels come in one size. If you also don’t have space for this Monster Haben, you will be able to guide yourself in the small model of Anker and its legend. If the Solarbank 2 Pro is installed, the small Module with 1740 Wattpeak will not be ordered.

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