
Yvonne Catterfeld appears in the semi-final of “The Voice” read aus, from which the moderator hears: “You have friends first”

Yvonne Catterfeld appears in the semi-final of “The Voice” read aus, from which the moderator hears: “You have friends first”

Another discussion for Yvonne Catterfeld: The singer already had the chance to have all the talents revealed during the mid-final, with moderator Thore Schölermann having a great discussion on the topic. (Photo: Joyn/Claudius Pflug)

It is normal that Yvonne Catterfeld is present, while Samu Haner chose to find his talent in the final of “The Voice of Germany”. The men are so old as Mark Forster and Kamrad in the mid-final before they met. But today there are no more tickets for the big Showdown in the new week, and two passengers in the Talentshow, they are among the biggest Merkwürdigkeiten, within the audience, by small clowns who have to be supported . Dieses Mal sollen die Coaches Geschenke auspacken.

Damit also shows Yvonne Catterfeld mitaine in the Show genervt. Let yourself be heard by the “Present” for the Sängerin on a small cardboard, so that it is not more difficult to do it – it is not yet possible. Weihnachten statt “The Voice”, warum das denn, war Catterfeld in Geschrieben. Doch dann ging es zum Glück um das, was wirklich zählte: die Stimme der Talents – et die hatten es in sich. Gleiches galt für das Geschenk, aber dazu später more …

Mit eigener Klavierbegleitung erhob sich Jennifer within the Samu team at gesangliche Höhen. For Adèles

Filipino Gian Carlos made himself heard with a cruder gesture: he heard Mutter for a booked flight ticket, for Tom Walkers live “Leave a Light On” singing. For Catterfeld it is the “rental tower for other men”, like the color black – also wegen seiner Performance. Gabriela performed in Lesley Gore’s “You Don’t Own Me” for all Samu Haber in Glauben, Rennes on first place as soon as she arrived. Nicht nur Moderatorin Melissa Khalaj had more than 60 years of another song “You Don’t Own Me” in total and said: “Du hast diesen Song neu geboren.”

Hart trafs es Kadischa, die aufgrund vos Gewichtts im Internet gemobbt wurde, comme sie sie en der Show erzählte. Außerdem sei ihr Stimme “naja”, therefore das Internet. While Beyoncé’s “Listen” darbot doesn’t apply to Mark Forster, he does with the offensive world. “Das ist bisher der stärkste Aufritt des Abends. Es ist einfach ein unsingbares Lied – außer man hat eine gewaltige Stimme,” said Forster verblüfft.

But the great war against Kadischa did not take place, but the Show zu Show is more offered, as is the case of Sebastian, the most talented talent of the Yvonne team. “Uh hat davor noch nie performt,” Catterfeld said. Jetzt sang er vor einem Millionenpublikum. This song is performed by the Catterfeld Song, “Control” by Zoe Wees, and we are here for 24 days in my life. Kamrad was hit for all, as Pur Sebastian seine Gefühle presented.

Kathrin, 16, was taken to the Schulbank.

Pure Enttäuschung erwartete schließlich Yvonne Catterfeld bei der Entscheidung des TV-Publikums: Es hatte keines ihrer vier Talente ins Finale gewählt – zumindest zunächst. Now it’s time to see what happens. “Du wirst dich freuen”, orakelte Moderator Schölermann. Im Geschenk lag eine Ziffer: sechs. Tada – big Überraschung: Nicht vier, sondern secs Talente durften mit in the Final-Show. And of course, Sebastian, Catterfeld’s talent, gives us unforgettable festivals.

This is Samus Sangeskünstlerin Jennifer, who is the “Easy On Me” by Adele himself with the Klavier, but without stimmlich abzurutschen, Weil also Emily mit “Peace by Peace” by Kelly Clarkson beindruckte, which Samu Haber has two talents in Finale dabei. For some Loulia talent, it’s writing Duffy’s “Mercy” and Iman (Linkin Park’s “The Emptiness Machine”) battling “The Voice”-Endstation. Double Final version also by Mark Forster: Der 16-jährigen Kathrin reichte an für ihre Verhältnisse durchschnittlicher Auftritt mit Phil Collins “Against All Odds” ebenso for Finale wie Jennys gefühlvolle Version von “Wenn du mich lässt” by Lea.

Kamrad must be the rapper Schnell Nico verabschieden, who has a real triumph with Ingri in his pocket. For the 57-year-old Kamrad, it is an unrivaled “Talent Coach”. It’s important to note that there is an unexpected version of the Prince-Evergreens’ “Purple Rain” and Kamrad’s review is: “This is the best thing about a Grammy-Tribute performance for Prince.” There are some of the world’s most popular music awards, but they are still in the final of “The Voice of Germany” year.

Coach Kamrad is more comfortable with Ingrid on his team: