close Game with Matze Knop during BILD Poker Night Game with Matze Knop during BILD Poker Night

Schon am Samstag is the online grand finale of the Bild Poker Night powered by, No matter what you do and you can do so if you are qualified.

On November 26, Bild Poker Night #5 will take place in Berlin aufgezeichnet. Mittlerweile kennt man die Besetzung:

Lovra, Thomas Rupprath (Weltmeister im Schwimmen), Ex-Bundesliga Schiri Manuel Gräfe, Leon Schäfer (Para-Olympics Leichtathlet) and Matze Knop and Kult-Klopp came to the Tisch venue – and a Wild Card winner from GGPoker. of.

Today and tomorrow the jewels will take place at 6:30 p.m. on the Freeroll and at 7 p.m. in a Centroroll (Buy-In € 0.10), the online grand final will take place on Saturday November 16. Here you will receive a prize of €5,000, the headquarters will arrive in Berlin during the Poker Night photo and play the Vegas package:

Die Preisgeldaufteilung in der Show
1. Place = Prize for the 2025 WSOP Main Event in Las Vegas
2. Place = €5,000
3. Place = €3,000
4. Place = €2,000

You can find them on the page.