
Was Macht Braun so erfolgreich? Warum die Trendfarbe ubiquitous is and also in Zukunft bleiben wird

Was Macht Braun so erfolgreich? Warum die Trendfarbe ubiquitous is and also in Zukunft bleiben wird

Braun loses Schwarz ab – and the next season lasts

Tief dunkle Tabaktöne, sattes Cognac or sanftes Ecru – it’s the same product, as often the dark brown auf den Laufstegen and folglich also in the Boutiquen see. The palette is a variety of variations and all its beliefs. Dass Braun launched into the penultimate period, with the Dutch trend of Li Edelkoort, its icon in its hair, in 2020: “Zuletzt war die Farbe in den 1970ern in Mode. Nach fast fünf Jahrzehnten übernimmt Braun in seiner gesamten Farbskala die Herrschaft und überholt Schwarz!”, published in January 2020.

Kastanie, Walnuss, Sepia and Ocker – a color trend is so present and lively as Braun. Li Edelkoort’s renowned trend predicted the current Hype in 2020.

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Wie exakt Edelkoort die Zukunft vorhersieht, ist beeindruckend. Your and other trend researchers: they found the mithilfe from data analyzes and data analyzes and, as you yourself know, a “sehr guten Intuition”. Dabei discovers Mikro, Makro and Megatrends jewelry in their temporal, geographical and thematic dimension. It includes Culture, Lifestyle, Design – and of course fashion. Warum sich das Farb-Roulette dabei kontinuierlich dreht, weiß of the Farbforscher Prof. Dr. Axel Buether of the Bergischen Universität Wuppertal: “Emerging trends in reaction to gesellschaftliche, wirtschaftliche et cultural Veränderungen. Sie spiegeln die Bedürfnisse A broader time – there is stability in unknown time or change and individuality in the phase of travel.” Auch Technologie et ökologische Bewegungen würden Farbtrends stark beeinflussen, da sie bestimmte Farben mit wünschenswerten Werten verknüpften.

“Braun’s trend in fashion and design is as long-lasting as possible through the understanding of nature and authenticity.”

Welche Farbe genau in der nächsten Season angelsagt within wird, unterliegt also nicht dem Zufall. Laut Mirja Eckert from the Heidelberg Institute for Trend Research and Research is directed by the international trend agencies verstärkt: “The agents for analyzing trends and united cultural trends, a farben auszuwählen, die den Zeitgeistwidespiegeln. Only one of your ideas is the same. der Kollektionen in Anspruch genommen.” Im Fall von Li Edelkoort lässt sich sogar vermuten, dass sie den Einfluss hat, a lost trend, regardless of its price. Their aussage is rapid like the prophecies, which almost come true themselves, but also the führenden Köpfe in der Mode ihrer Einschätzung glauben. It is also necessary for the general mass to take into account a trend or a color of trend which is not established. Discover the shades of herbal forest or coffee colors, among others Spice Latte, Karamell and Mokka – the new browns are not the best for the aesthetic of fashion and your accessories. Also in cosmetics, in graphics and interior design, Braun is also the color of the durchgesetzt object. “Cafécore” is the originator of the trend in interior design, warmth, clothing and furniture, as well as the art of comfort. The Braun last year is the most recent example of the fashion designer Axel Buether says: “Braun’s trend in fashion and design is the most sustainable in the world. Like men’s clothing and clothing, the Braun has a long lifespan and The Rückkehr zu natural Materialien plays a big roll, and Braun spiegelt these Werte perfect wider.